Looking ahead at a breakneck pace... and stumbling over things right in front of me

Dec 30, 2005 07:32

I find myself peculiarly eager for the new year. I have... plans. Not big plans, and not important to anyone but myself. However, having set real goals for the past couple of years has worked very well. And I've got my goals for 2006 fairly well mapped out. OTOH, there are a few loose ends from 2005 to tie up, and I just can't settle down to take care of them, never mind that an evening's serious application ought to finish them. Silly, innit?

In other news, I'm having an odd day, stuff-wise. It's like a lost and found around here. A jar of spaghetti sauce has disappeared out of the fridge; an envelope with an address I need has disappeared from my desk. OTOH, a recipe that I haven't seen in about 25-30 years and last year's Christmas card from Mom and Dad have turned up on my desk, under the stack of mail that's been accumulating for the last two weeks (before that, the desk was bare except for some videos). I'm baffled and amused. Does this sort of thing happen frequently to other people? (Though I bet it happens to sallymn; that would be just like her. Maybe it's a Jarrigoth trait? :-D)


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