Sleeping In, part 12 of 13

Jul 12, 2009 16:21

Title:  Sleeping In
Fandom:  House/Buffy
Time Frame:  Second season House, post-Chosen (no comics) Buffy
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  Joss and ME own Buffy.  David Shore, etc., own House.  I own nothing except the words.

Summary:  While Xander is visiting Dawn at Princeton, he falls asleep and she can't wake him up.  When he falls into Dr. House's clutches, which will solve his illness first, medicine or magic?

Cameron saw House and Wilson standing propped against the nurses' station, staring at Xander's room. She hesitated to interrupt them, but she knew House was beating himself up about this one. She walked over to stand next to him.

"He's going to be fine," she said. "There don't seem to be any lingering adverse effects from the prolonged sleep -"
"I know," House said. He didn't look at her.

"He's remarkably healthy for having been traveling mostly by himself around Africa for the past few months," Cameron said. She needed to get through to him. "He's going to be fine."

"I heard you the first time," House said, and Wilson rolled his eyes at her, but she didn't care. Xander was fine, but House wasn't.

"Spontaneous remission -" she started.

"Oh, don't give me that spontaneous remission crap," House said. "Wilson doesn't even believe in spontaneous remission, and he's an oncologist."

"Well," Wilson said, but House didn't let him finish.

"That man," he said, pointing at Xander's room with his cane, "wouldn't wake up for no reason that we could tell, and then woke up all on his own, and we have no idea why. And they won't let me do any more tests."

"Can you blame them?" Wilson said. "He's all better."

"He is not all better," House said. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. "At least I don't think he is. But since they won't let me test him, how can I tell? This could happen again the next time he's in Africa, and I won't be there to figure it out. All he'll have is Dr. Sebastian Charles telling him it's TB."

Cameron deliberately ignored that. "I don't think he's going back to Africa," she said. "I doubt any of them will let him." She watched as Buffy, Willow, and Dawn fussed around Xander, making sure they had everything they'd brought with them to the hospital. Xander was sitting on the edge of the bed, laughing and letting them.

"And another thing," House said. "Those girls are ridiculously strong."

Cameron looked sharply at him, then at the three fussing around Xander, then back at House. Wilson sighed.

"Ridiculously strong?" Cameron said. She had noticed the day before, but she'd put it down to adrenaline. Which must be what it was. Anything else was impossible.

"Look how tiny she is," House said. "Yet I couldn't move when she held my wrist. Do not tell me that's normal."

"I suppose you want to run tests on Buffy, too," Wilson said. "You know, according to Cuddy this is still a hospital. I think we're supposed to treat sick people."

"Not just Buffy," House said. "Faith, too." He pointed with his cane to where Faith was standing, where she could see into Xander's room, but the people inside would have to really look for her to see her.

"You know their names?" Cameron said, staring at him.

"What kind of name is Buffy, anyway?" Wilson said. "Do you think her mother was clairvoyant and knew she'd be little, blonde, and perky?"

House just shook his head, not allowing himself to be distracted. "There is something strange going on here," he said. "And I will figure it out." He started down the hall towards the elevator.

"Do you want me to gather the team?" Cameron called after him.

House didn't even turn back around. "No point," he said. "He's all better, right?" He kept walking down the hall, slumped over his cane.

Cameron looked at Wilson, who sighed again and unpropped himself.

"It's going to be a long night," he said, then followed House.

Cameron stayed where she was. Someone should be there when Xander checked out, after all. And Wilson was wrong, anyway. It wasn't just going to be a long night, it was going to be a long few weeks, until something new and interesting came along to take House's mind off of this failure.

part 13

sleeping in, btvs, fanfic, house

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