Sleeping In, part 6 of 13

Jul 05, 2009 21:17

I'm baack!

Title:  Sleeping In
Fandom:  House/Buffy
Time Frame:  Second season House, post-Chosen (no comics) Buffy
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  Joss and ME own Buffy.  David Shore, etc., own House.  I own nothing except the words.

Summary:  While Xander is visiting Dawn at Princeton, he falls asleep and she can't wake him up.  When he falls into Dr. House's clutches, which will solve his illness first, medicine or magic?

Dawn and Faith watched from inside the instrument room while Drs. Chase and Cameron examined Xander's head before getting him ready for the MRI.

"That must have been scary, not being able to wake him up," Faith said.

Dawn looked over at her to see that she hadn't taken her gaze off of Xander.

"Yeah," she said. "But I thought it was African sleeping sickness, so I didn't really start to panic until it wasn't that."

"Who wouldn't?" Faith said. "Seriously, who in their right mind goes to a place with so many weird diseases? If it's not sleeping sickness, it's malaria or dengue fever Or Ebola. Screw that."

Dawn had to giggle, but she had to speak up for Xander, too. "Are you saying he's not in his right mind?"

Faith looked at her seriously. She'd always taken her seriously, which was one reason Dawn had always liked her so much, even when she knew she shouldn't.

"Xander hasn't been in his right mind since Sunnydale," she said. "But he swore to me that he wasn't going to Africa as a fancy way to off himself." She sighed. "And I believed him."

"You don't anymore?" Dawn said, but before Faith could answer, the doctors came back into the instrument room.

"No bruising, no swelling," Dr. Chase said.

Faith looked at him like she thought he was insane. "You thought blunt force trauma made him oversleep?" she said, making Dawn want to laugh. If anyone would know from blunt force trauma, it would be Faith.

Dr. Chase shrugged. "It was a long shot, but we had to check."

Dr. Cameron was typing rapidly, getting the MRI going. "You look more calm now that your sister is here, Dawn," she said.

Dawn and Faith both twitched.

"Oh, Faith's not my sister," Dawn said. "Buffy's my sister. She's shorter and...blonder."

"We're different in many, many ways," Faith said.

Dawn nudged her with her elbow. "Yeah," she said. "You can drive."

Dr. Chase turned around and studied them both, which made Dawn catch her breath. He really was gorgeous, if more than a little bit too old for her. Though the accent almost made her not care how old he was.

"So, what's this guy's story?" he asked. "How'd he get four total hotties so worried about him they'd drop everything and come running?"

His smile told Dawn that he was trying to make conversation to make them more comfortable, and also that he really wanted to know. She exchanged a glance with Faith, then shrugged.

"Xander is the nicest, funniest, most supportive big brother you could possibly want," she said. "And I don't care if we're not really related, he's my big brother. Willow feels the same way, only more so, and he saved Kennedy's life once, so..." Plus, Kenneday would follow Willow anywhere, but she didn't say that to Dr. Chase.

"And you?" Dr. Chase said to Faith.

Faith leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "We're more complicated," she said. Then, she shrugged. "But Xander's the type of guy you drop everything for, no matter what your relationship is. Because he'd do it for you."

Dr. Chase snorted. "Do me a favor. Don't say that to our boss."

part 7

sleeping in, btvs, fanfic, house

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