Sleeping In, part 2 of 13

Jun 29, 2009 14:33

Title:  Sleeping In
Fandom:  House/Buffy
Time Frame:  Second season House, post-Chosen (no comics) Buffy
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  Joss and ME own Buffy.  David Shore, etc., own House.  I own nothing except the words.

Summary:  While Xander is visiting Dawn at Princeton, he falls asleep and she can't wake him up.  When he falls into Dr. House's clutches, which will solve his illness first, medicine or magic?

Cameron checked the patient's vitals as soon as she entered the room, but she wasn't surprised that House didn't even glance at them.

"Wow," he said to the girl sitting in the chair beside the bed. "Did you know you're the spitting image of someone too stupid to check if her ice cream sundae had peanuts in it when she was deathly allergic to them?"

"Is that the girl with the heart transplant?" the girl said. "We've already been through this. My name isn't Melinda, it's Dawn, and I've never had a heart transplant. You can check."

"I already am," House said, ogling her not-really-very-low-cut shirt.

Dawn just glared at him. "Do you think you could pay attention to Xander?" she said. "He's the one who's sick, not me."

"We are, Dawn," Cameron said, moving over to stand next to her. Maybe their combined glares would tone House down. "Dr. House is the best diagnostician in...several states. He'll figure out what's wrong with Xander."

"That's so sweet," House said, making a face at her.

"I guessed," Dawn said. "Anyone who's that rude and gets away with it has to be the best at something. I've seen it before," she added. "I go to Princeton."

"Ha," House said. "So, you're in college, and a man five years older than you visits you and stays in your dorm room. What are you two into? Drugs? Sex? Group sex? Group sex with drugs?"

Dawn glared at him. "Nothing like that," she said. "Xander's one of my sister's best friends. He just flew in from Africa, and we were going to drive to Cleveland to see her. It seemed silly for him to get a hotel room when we'd probably be up all night talking, anyway."

"Oh, I'm sure he was up all night," House said.

"House," Cameron said, but then she noticed that he was staring at the monitors and had sounded distracted. In spite of himself, he was interested.

"He just fell asleep in the middle of a sentence?" House asked.

"No," Dawn said, sounding exasperated. "I already explained this. The jet lag got to him, and we knew we would be driving the next day, so he got out his blanket and neck support and went to sleep. He never woke up, and I tried..." She reached out and grabbed Xander's hand, hard. "He has to wake up. Why can't you do something?"

"We're going to," House said and walked out of the room.

"We will need authorization from his next-of-kin if we need to do any invasive procedures," Foreman said. "I'm assuming that's not you."

"No," Dawn said. "But I'm not sure who it is."

"You're...not sure," Chase said.

"Well, we haven't heard from his parents since...well, for a long time," Dawn said. "I'm guessing it's Willow or maybe Giles as head of the Council, but I don't know. I called both of them, and...and Buffy's on her way - she'll know."

"Oh-kay," Chase said, exchanging glances with Foreman.

Cameron could tell Dawn was feeling frazzled, and they needed her to hold it together. She reached out and put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Dawn, who are these people?" she asked.

"Oh," Dawn said. "Right. Buffy's my sister, and she should be here soon. She had to fly - there's no way we'd have trusted her driving a car for that long. Giles is the head of they work for, and he's in England. I don't know if he'll come over or not, but if he's Xander's next-of-kin, I guess he'll have to. And Willow's -"

"Right here," a voice said from the doorway, and Cameron turned to see two young women entering the room. One was an intense-looking brunette, who looked like she expected the world to conform to her every whim, but the other was a red-head who seemed even more powerful, though for no reason she could explain. The red-head walked quickly over to Xander's bedside and picked up the hand Dawn wasn't holding.

"I'm Willow Rosenberg," she said. "What do you need?"

"I'm Dr. Cameron, and these are Drs. Chase and Foreman," Cameron said, thinking about reaching out her hand for Willow to shake but deciding that the young woman wasn't about to let go of Xander's hand. "Are you his next of kin? Dawn wasn't sure, and we need -"

"Of course," Willow said. She pulled the next of kin authorization out of her pocket and held it out to Cameron. "Whatever you need."

Cameron glanced at it and saw that it was in order. "Thank you," she said, exchanging glances with Chase and Foreman. "Now we can get started." She patted Dawn on the shoulder and then headed for the door, but the brunette stopped her.

"We really mean whatever you need," she said. "I'm Kennedy Sonocci. Do anything at all necessary to get Xander better. Money is no object."

Cameron stared at her for a moment, then said, "Thank you," because Kennedy seemed to expect it. Kennedy held her gaze, and then finally allowed her to leave.

After she shut the door behind them, Chase whistled.

"Who is this guy? Even I've heard of the Sonoccis." Cameron and Foreman both shrugged, and Chase added, "Well, at least House will be happy. He can do any test he wants, and Cuddy can't say a word."

part 3

sleeping in, btvs, fanfic, house

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