wow I've had this journal for 10 years

Oct 09, 2010 00:36

Wow SO much has changed in my life and in all of your lives too. I've known most of you for almost as long as i've had this journal. And I've become really good friends with some of you. I know I don't write in here that much but I still read it all the time. I love that some of my LJ friends from way back then still keep up in here (Jodi, And Steph, and even still once and awhile, Kay, Jen and Aims too but
I always come back and check up on lj every week or two and I love that all my fandoms come together in one easy friend page, Still even better then myspace or facebook has managed to do.

So if any of you think your posts are ignored they aren't, I still check in. If it wasn't for LJ i would really lose touch with some of you. So keep posting!

It's crazy how much has changed I mean seriously for all of us. What are some of the biggest changes that you guys went through in your lives since you started on LJ? I know most of us don't post that often and we dont have that much time but this could be fun.

2001 Huntyr was not even a year old when I started on LJ. Yeah THAT'S CRAZY.She's ten now that's also CRAZY

2002 was "the summer of Mark"

2003 "The Jared and Nikki thing"I was still going to Niagara falls all the time to see my cousins.

2004 I moved to SC, and Isaiah was born,

2005 Tim and Alison (Huntyr's parents) got divorced. Hurricane Katrina, I met Liesbeth.

2006 I moved back to NY in March, Moved back to SC in September.

2007 I went to NY in Jan for the last time. Lost 60 lbs and was looking awsome, I actually had Abs! Liesbeth was planning to marry Van in Savannah. Went to LA with Jules and Stayed w Aims and Met up w/ Jen.

2008 I went to Tucson and Sadona w Jules. My best friend Liesbeth tried to kill herself,

2009 `THat year was pretty much a blur alot of hurting and healing and learning.

2010 alot of starting over, Lies got pregnant.

There's tons move but this is taking me forever.

I've had this since before Colton was born, since before Carter dated Abby. Since before Gina, before Milo, before Gilmore Girls, before cancer before so much. what do you guys remember?

my life

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