
Mar 18, 2009 20:05

Family is an important word that is sometimes thrown around. Today I did this. I had no idea I did this until a VERY important part of my family brought it to light.
I have only 2 what some may call besties..yes they are gals.   I share EVERYTHING with them and at times even the drama. I hate drama with a passion, I wish the drama llama would die in a fire. Forever to be erased from all of our lives. These 2 gals are part of my family along with a few others, spouses, children, etc. All of my family get along and we actually like one another. We like one another mostly because we chose to be a part of this family, this is my family of friends. Everyone else is well, to put it frankly NOT family. We may be friends, hang out from time to time, drink etc. but please do not expect me to go in depth into my personal life. This will not happen.
I love my know who you are. I will never trash talk you or bring your life out in a conversation and I sure as hell will avoid bringing the damn drama llama home if at all possible.

At times I act dumb....this is your que to smack me around, cuz ya can and it is your right as family to do so.
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