Jun 23, 2009 18:03
I've been pondering for awhile that my readers, if any, are thristening (if that's even a word) for recent happenings en mi vida.
Today was my first day of Jury Duty. I had an open mind even when others said, "oh lucky you!" - sarcastically. Last night, June 21, 2009, I looked on a website called media fix - something like that. Then I regretted that I had to deal with it. lol. the first time the county gov sent me to serve, I got an excuse because of school (in march of this year). I agreed that I would be able to serve at the end of the school semester, but then again I could have gotten out of it again because of work. Oh well...I thought I'd just go to get it over with. I won't have to serve for another 3 years+
Honestly, I don't remember the last time I had to wake up @ 6.30 AM. The only thing that really gets me outta bed is to take a nice shower, which I did. Ha! like you needed to know that right? I hopped right out of the house at 7.36 AM, took the parkway and arrived 8.02 AM in the parking garage (free).
first case: criminal, didn't get picked.
2nd case: civil, didn't get picked.
I was one of 25 who didn't get picked. good deal.
first case: took 20 mins
2nd case: took from 10.30 - [12.30(break)-1.30] 'til 2.15 PM
left at 2.30 AM -- and my group is concluded for the week. I'll get 5 bucks. whoo hoo?? lololol! I could call in for work tomorrow, but maybe I can leave for PA or thursday ? to see my sweetie <3
who did we have today?
- albert einstein who didn't know how to keep his eyes to his self.
- miss ruth (Idk her name) she was the oldest living being there, probably 80. it's optional to serve after 75 years of age.
- two hasidic women. they get to serve? hmm they're citizens, though you could tell they were more americanized - they had style and actually conversed with us americans. ohhhh,
side note: I'd admit I'm prejudice against Hasidic/Orthodo Jews, but do NOT believe in Anti- Semitism. I am highly against Mexicans. they lie and steal. stop riding bikes and go back to mexico. I'm fine with hispanics, and that genre, but nooo mexicans, me no gusta!!
also, I'm not racist against black people, but it's awful how the media has portrayed the race. whenever I see a black family, I always say to myself oh I wonder what they're going to steal next. I know it's awful of me. One family I kept checking on in the aisles at work because I was like they're spending way too much time here. then I was thinking nahhh...they look 2 good to steal. apparently the minute I turned, they stole a kodak camera right out of the box, going around the spider wrap and all.
well I shall conclude of this message bcause I should take a nappppp. but salllll is calling me soon. yayayay. I'll stay up for him <3 <3
BTW, got a new phone and plan: verizon, lg env3 <3