Fill in the blanks! <33
To be or not to be??
I am __ Hungry and about to have a shower
I am __ everyday: sleepy
I am never __: without some jewelry and eyeliner
I am proud of __: my gaming prowess
I am ashamed of __: My weight
I was __ when I was 5: Ambitious :)
I was __ when I was 10: directing flying lessons. Seriously.
Provoking Thoughts
__ makes me smile: Fuzzy feelings
__ makes me laugh: Russel Howard, Ed Byrne, Dara O'Brien and various comedy panel shows.
__ makes me cry: People doing bad things for no adequetly justified reason.
__ makes me angry: People who do nothing about it/people who pretend to help to benefit themselves
__ makes me nervous/scared: Goign out in the dark, being hated
__ makes me wonder: Everything
Me. Me. Me.
I want __: A UNICORN
I need __: Some food, a shower and now a wee :( In terms of more long term goals: To lose more weight and GET THIS F***ING DEGREE.
I hope __ happens: Something unexpectedly nice
I have __: A lot that i should show more gratitude for.
I wonder __: Why Coke is so damn tasty? Chemicals FTW?
I know __: That Ill get there eventually, and bad feelings will pass.
I love__: My friends and family...and the less obvious answer: Coffee, donuts and Arrested Development :)
I understand __: Why stuff happens (from a theoretical POV)
I think __: I might donate some eggs. Again, i'm being serious here.
I believe in __: My own ability to DO THIS THANG.
I don't want __: To die alone
I can do without __: Being depressed and stressed all the time
I hope __ never happens: The 2012 thing
I don't have __: A lot of time
I hate __: Ignorance and disgusting selfishness
I don't understand __: Why people are such arsholes sometimes
I don't know __: what might have been if Elizabeth had survived
I don't think __: I'd like to know
I don't believe in __: Obligatory happy endings outside of the films or in 'evil' people
I refuse to __: Stop
I see __: My laptop :p
I smell__: Is cold a smell?
I hear__: Someone, somewhere in Childs, tapping a radiator
I feel __ (emotion): Lonely
I feel __ (physically): Very aware that I'm naked. And cold.
I taste__: Nothing
I sense __: A disturbance in the Force
Make A Wish.
I wish I could be __: Thinner and pretty, please.
I wish I could see __: Tom and Spring coming early.
I wish I could hear __: music i'm not bored with
I wish I could feel __: Happier
I wish I could smell __: Vanilla
The Bigger Picture
I respect __: honesty, ESPECIALLY when it's hard.
I support __: The 'why can't we just all get along?' fictional Campaign.
I value __: the oppurtunities i have been given.
I realize __: That there is a fucking BREEZE coming from my window and thats why i am so damn cold. WTF?
I ponder about __: Lots of stuff.
I am determined to __ sometime in my life: Act again, properly.
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