Caution!!! Bitching ahead!!!

Feb 10, 2007 15:04

There is a reason why I don’t watch a lot of television.  Tonight I made the mistake of turning on the tv and the first thing I saw was trading spouses or something like that.  One of those stupid trading shows where the wife goes off to another house to learn about the way others live.  I have noticed that instead of going in with an open mind they go in expecting life to be just like theirs.  In case we haven’t noticed not everyone lives like us.  I live in a very non-traditional house.  We live the way we want to live.  If someone else came in they may think it’s chaos, but it’s our chaos and it makes sense to us.  Needless to say there always turns out to be an argument and some ones feelings get hurt.  Then they “realize” they were wrong and say they’ve changed.  Yeah right.  We all know that’s a show for the cameras so they don’t look bad.  Then after everyone has learned a lesson they return home.  Running into the arms of their family crying.  They’ve missed them so much and never want to leave again.  Isn’t that sweet.  HELLO!!!  Have we not noticed the thousands of men and women leaving their families everyday to go fight a war?  How many of them would give their right arm to be able to only miss two weeks of their lives with their family?  As a spouse to a man in the military I can’t count how many things my husband has missed.  The first days of school, learning to ride a bike and what about the first words.  Those are things he will never get back.  All because he chose to serve his country, and yet we can’t give them credit.  We sit back and talk about how horrible this war is and talk down about our soldiers over there fighting.  We should be ashamed of ourselves for being such hypocrites.  Those family members who have been gone for two weeks should be grateful and remember the members of our armed forces that are missing so much more.

Now on to another complaint I have.  After watching that stupid show and channel surfing for a while I came upon the channel that shows what’s coming on next.  You know the TV guide channel or whatever.  All they could talk about was Anna Nicole Smith.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t give a damn about what kind of person she was or that she’s gone.  Why are there at least 4 channels all talking about her life???  What did she do that was so wonderful as to deserve all this coverage?  I’m not trying to talk bad about her because I didn’t know her so I can’t judge what kind of person she was.  What I can do is question why we spend hours of tv time dedicated to her death when we have thousands of men and women dying everyday in the military and our police force and fire department.  When will they get there turn in the spotlight?  They gave their lives serving US and in turn all they get is a flag.

So, on to another complaint I have.  Why are we paying professional sports players and actors/actresses millions of dollars for doing nothing?  Why is it that our military men and women are paid so little they qualify for foodstamps?  Why are our teachers having to stretch every dollar they make because the price of living is way more than what they are paid?  Why is it in many places in Europe healthcare is free, but in the “wealthiest place in the world” can’t afford to do the same for their citizens?  It seems to me that a lot of people are living off of greed and don’t care about anyone but themselves.  All I can say is someday it’s going to come back and bite us in the ass.  When you get to the top there is nowhere else to go but down and it’s a long fall.

When are we going to wake up and realize it’s not just about us in this world, but millions and millions of others as well?
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