(no subject)

Jul 23, 2007 12:57

How badly does it suck to feel second best to your ex fiance with your family?

Let me explain.

So my brother, sister in law and neice are in from out of town this week. I get to see them at most twice a year. It happened that this week when they came in, John and I are immensely busy. I even made it so that I only had one rehearsal instead of the normal two, so that I could spend time with my family.

So I tell my mom, who is pretty much social director of the family, that I can't be there Saturday night(When Chris and Amy got home), Tuesday night, and that Thursday would be the last day that any of us would be able to see them and they would be able to see the kids.

So what do they(my parents) do. They invited my ex-fiance up to spend the evening there today. One of the few days that I could spend with my family. Now I am shit out of luck, and get to figure out how to spend my evening. Probably at home doing laundry, or if John will drive me, I'll go comiserate with a friend.

I am probably going to take the kids to my parents house so at least they don't lose the ability to spend the evening with the family.

I'm just pissed... and hurt. I think it's fucked up that my parents are choosing him over me. I even asked if there is any way that we can change things so that he could come up tomorrow instead of today, but they either can't/won't change things.

Their reasoning for staying in contact with him for the last 4 years... "we are the closest thing he has to a real family, and we don't want to take that away". So if you are the closest thing he's got to a real family, then contact him more, don't talk to him only every 6 months or so.. That's what you do with the family you don't like! Start inviting him to family dinners every sunday if you're worried about the boys family life. I mean damn! He's almost 30 years old himself. Old enough to have his own family. Get the hell away from mine.

Oh and you better believe that he will hear of my pissed-offed-ness when I see him next, when ever that may be. And I will full well tell him to find his own damned family, and stay the hell away from mine.
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