I figured that I would post a quick little something. This weekend we had a really fun trip down to West Palm Beach with Desi and Tonya. We went to these two really cool sculpture gardens where I got a lot of inspiration and pictures for painting ideas (mostly pretty flowers) and we went out to the beach so Fiona could see the Atlantic for the first time. It was pretty cool.
Fiona has started to smile, real smiles not the I'm gasy and just farted kind, but the I saw Daddy's face and it made me happy kind. Some of the time she will look up and see something and it just makes her whole little face light up. It's pretty awesome, especially when the thing making her smile is me. Also I've found it pretty cool in the last week she has really started to notice the art around her. So far she loves a bright colored sunset piece right above her changing table a lot. Or at least that's one that I find her staring at and getting a little mad when you take it out of her line of sight.