Looooooads of stuff

Jul 28, 2007 16:17

Soo... July's almost over and I haven't posted anything decent since april sometime so might as well try to summarize the summer thus far...
Took four weeks of vacation during may which was pretty sweet though I rather regret that I didn't really do anything useful at all. I mostly spent all them four weeks on playing WoW. I suppose I accomplished something since I got Nahane up to 70 and fairly well geared and keys and whatnots but still, there were a lot of other things I in retrospect would've wanted to do. Alas you can't change the past so here I am. Towards the end of may mom called and asked me if I were interested in a summer card for the trains but since my vacation was more or less done by then I said no to that but then mom asked me if there was something else I wanted to do during the summer so I told her about wanting to go to Sweden Rock Festival and she agreed to pay the ticket! Which made me go squee and so at the start of june I got in a friends car and hit the camping space. It was pretty well planned out since I only got a hold of a three day pass while the others had four day passes that I could go down with the one person who'd take the car down the first day instead of the day before. That also enabled us to have our tent up and ready when we got there, huzzah! The first night was pretty miserable on my part though, it was cold as hell (in my naiveté I thought my long-sleeved shirt would be enough), just about everyone else were out on the festival area and there were spiders and earwigs in the tent so I didn't exactly want to spend more time then I needed to in there. I tried scribbling to pass time but it just didn't work very well. Second day was better but sharing tent rather frayed my nerves as well as the lack of quiet places to sit and eat... I really need to work on my jittery nerves in big crowds if I'm going again next year since I were close to tears at a few points >.>
But in general it was quite the experience, and it was awesome to see how little people care about how you're dressed and whatnots... There were people bundled up in layers of clothing, people wearing next to nothing (saw at least two girls running around topless) and everything inbetween and everyone seemed to be ok with it so on the last day even I dared remove my top and walk around in only bra and shorts which was nice. With the amount of people around I didn't feel especially looked at and the best part was I got some sort of affirmation that the friends didn't mind either... I could need some working on the self-confidence, especially get past the whole "I don't want to offend my friends by doing this" phase as I think this circle of friends is really hard to offend.
I also felt more than before that I need a new camera or at least a bigger memory card because the 8mb I got gets clogged up quicker than anything, even with mid quality I can only take around 25 pictures x.<
As such I only got these five pictures from those four days that turned out ok;

Meat Loaf on the big scene. I spent more time oogling his female dancers/co-singers than listening to be honest X)

After Forever, one of three new discoveries for me... Hell I even headbanged and played air guitar! O.O

Hardcore Superstars, they were awesome at getting the crowd to rock along with 'em and it was one of the best performances per se, even though I didn't know any of the songs.

REO Speedwagon... I thought I were the only one who'd be interested in these guys but I ended up sitting behind three guys who were avidly discussing their songs (both the ones they performed and others) and going on about that they were good etc... Pretty awesome in general. I had to send a message to mom as well sitting there since she listened to them as well when she were younger.

Aerosmith, the big guys on scene... It was quite the experience seeing them live that I can say, and they were just as funny as I'd imagine them to be even though the performance itself were a bit slow in the end.

At the end of the last day the friend driving, her brother and I skipped out on the majority of Scorpion's performance to go take down the tent and pack everything in the car as we all wanted to have a little bit extra rest before work started on monday so we were back home around 3am sunday morning. It was well needed and I can say I'm happy I didn't stay over the night because I would've been dead during work on monday morning. David were really sweet too when I got home as he greeted me with panacotta <3
After all that most of june and july rolled by in the same tracks with raiding, friends, work and all that stuff fighting for my attention. In a way this is the most exhausting summer in quite a while and I'm still not quite on track emotions-wise.
I did pamper myself a bit though and got my hair cut and dyed... It cost me a small fortune but I suppose it'll have to be worth it...
It's a spiffy dark purple with red stripes in my bangs...

Best photo I got thus far of it (note the stormtrooper on the shirt ;) ).
Also worth noting is mom came to visit over the weekend, which in itself is a miracle as I never thought she'd come down here. It was awesome since I haven't really seen her since last december.
We decided to go to Halmstad to take a look at the Swedish ship Götheborg. It's one heck of a ship! It's absolutely awesome what they've done with it and it was a lifetime experience to walk aboard it and look around. It made me wish I could've been aboard on a shorter trip of some sort, just to get a feel for how working on it would be ^^
The weather was pretty good for taking photos when we were there so most of them turned out good;

It's a rather awe-inspiring sight, and counting the masts it stands 47-some meters above sea level with an additional 5,25 meters below the surface... Biiiig ship!

Didn't get a real good picture of the bowsprit sadly, the rearing lion is one piece of art in itself... You can see some of all the rope involved... Lemme tell you it's a lot.

It has both old and new navigational equipment among other things, as it has to fit today's regulations for it to be allowed to sail.

The cannon deck is equipped with ten cannons weighing 1 metric ton each... A crew member told us it took four people to move a cannon when they needed to open or close the hatch.

This spiffy mark was branded onto a desk that was sitting on the dock beside the boat... I really like the dragon...

During sunday afternoon we went to see the Sven Ljungberg gallery, which was rather educational as well as inspiring... He's got an awesome grip on light and he's very much an allrounder when it comes to different mediums.
That's more or less the highlights of the summer so far... In general I've been rather off balance emotionally and I still am, though I still don't know what to do about it. It both helped and didn't that mom came over, she lends me some stability generally but since it was such a short period it more feels like I had something to lean on for a short while and then someone snatched it from underneath me. But nyeh, time passes and unless I start dragging myself along I'll be hopelessly left behind, even if it means I'll be frayed and ragged emotionally.
Anyway, on with the summary..
Went to see the new Harry Potter movie and while it was pretty good though it felt a bit like a filler to fill in the last gaps for the next movie in the series. But worth seeing all the same. Kinda missed the Transformers movie (last day screening here was wednesday and we completely forgot) and we'll see if I can get to seeing the Simpsons on tuesday or wednesday something or other. Looking forward to seeing what they make of The Golden Compass and Stardust once those two are released as well, they're both based on rather good books (Stardust especially, gotta love Neil Gaiman).

If this is getting disjointed it's probably because I started writing the entry on monday and it's now saturday *cough* I'm procastrinating like mad.
Speaking of procastrinating, I've been fiddling with some completely worthless graphics of my WoW characters... They turned out fairly nicely (some went into icons as well) but I have no use whatsoever for them >.<;

I mean, what the heck can I do with those?
Well, prolly could do some site layout with them but I won't do that, I want my own art if anything for my site.

Speaking of WoW, just found this page which I both think is a good step in the right direction and rather amusing seeing as firstly you'll have hell finding it in the first place and then the fact that the people who should take note will just think it stupid. X)

Lastly, excuse me while I Squeee!
Ehum. I stayed up last night and played the remaining stretch on Dirge of Cerberus and man... I had chills going up my back for an hour afterwards... It's bloody awesome! But then again, I'm biased, I've always loved Vincent and always wanted to know more about him. Now I know. *rabid fangirl mode*
I have a feeling I'm going to play it again... And soon. Plus I need to get a hold of the few missing tracks of the soundtrack... Unless I can get a hold of a copy of it, that'd be more awesome... I'm also eyeballing these earrings... Not sure if I dare buy from that place, but if I do at some point I'm so getting those earrings along with a pair of earrings formed as Cloud's wolf emblem. I would've wanted a Cerberus keychain, but I can't seem to find any so oh well.
Now I'll go squee some more and try to get something done *cough*

life, random, fandom

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