Aug 21, 2006 12:46
What's wrong with me? I have so much to do (and so much I actually WANT to do), but for the past few weekends, all I do is sleep, and then feel guilty about it. Some people say, "Well, your body must have needed the rest." But I don't fall into that category. I have a regular sleep schedule and I'm rarely ever sleep deprived. That's one of the really important things to me. So... if my body doesn't need it, why do I spend my entire weekend sleeping?
However, in spite of all the sleep, I did manage to do two fabulous things. I went to get a pedicure with my mom at Gadabout. Loved it. Then I went and saw "Snakes on a Plane." I gotta tell you, this movie is the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" of the new millennium. Can't wait to see it again. And when you go, do it on a weekend night, when the theater is packed. The crowd response is half the fun. I laughed, I jumped, I yelled at the screen. It was a theater experience like no other.
Book of the week: "The God Gene"