(no subject)

May 10, 2011 11:41

I would first like to start this blog of with publicly apologizing to Vivid Corp. I am sorry I said negative things on social media sites with out receiving the full story from the source directly. I realize acting brashly in no way helps my cause and only reflects negatively on the whole argument. I would also like to personally thank Steven Hirsch for taking time out of his busy day to even discuss this issue with me. Thank you Vivid, I appreciate your time very much, again I’m sorry.

Now, in to what has transpired in the past two days or several weeks depending on how you look at it.

I have no problem eating my words by any means, I approach things like a scientific theory, this is the best information given to me so far so here is my feeling on the subject, if new information comes to light I am more than happy to admit my mistake and address new information

The new information is that it wasnt that Vivid that did not approve me and was to blame for me not getting the role, but that the Director Axel Braun used Vivd as a scape goat instead of simple stating his opinion from the start, thus dragging this in to a public spectacle and then an intimadation issue.

I would also like to state that Michael Vegas who is casted as the lead role of Luke Skywalker has NOTHING to do with my opinion. His are actually the opposite and has stated to Axel we do not agree on the subject.

It all started about 2 months ago at the casting call for Star Wars, I went with my agent and michael for him to read for the part. I had no illusions of being a main character obviously but there were two scenes that took place with stormtrooper females and in the cantina thus being an alien or stormtroopers tattoos could easily work. Also I brought the plus of having a large fan following that would be hit by that demographic. Axel then told michael he would make sure there was a part for me, then said it was up to Vivid to approve me for the part.

Two months went by and that dates were finally set. They happen to fall on the dates of a family vacation with our parents and grandparents. We canceled going on the trip to cover the dates of the movie because the shoot dates couldn’t be moved even though they were set last minute and the dates asked off had been set since February.

As Michael’s dates became confirmed I began to ask when mine were to constant avoidance of the question. Finally Sunday May 8th I was informed by my agent he didnt think they were going to book me and they werent being direct about it. At this point Michael texted both the Casting director and Axel. Each other them first said to ask the other and avoided the question. First it was I was too short, then it was I was too tattooed, untimely it came to Vivid didnt approve me.

Let me say, that is fine, It is any company’s choice to not hire someone. I was upset with the fact I was promised a role, canceled a trip, giving the run around, then lied to. Thus I began to take it as an attack on not being “important” enough as an alt girl to bring a draw to the movie. So I began to tweet that companies are out of date, started the hash tag, #starwarspornfail and it began as light hearted star wars jokes but then became serious. In the process also proving the importance and impact of social media.

After hearing Axel was very upset with me, I then began to wonder, “If I’m not important enough to put in your movie then why are you so concerned with what I have to say? Would you not assume no one will listen?” And this was all fine and dandy until I began to be intimated to remove me tweets and reminded that my boyfriend (who has took no supportive stance!) was the lead role and why would I want to mess that up for him via text by Axel.

Now i’m entitled to my opinion, everyone is. Even you, you can think my whole argument is over board and too much, or you can totally support it. Or you can not give a shit one way or another. But your opinion is YOUR RIGHT.

I then emailed the CEO of Vivid and asked for an audience to voice my issues, he replied and we spoke over the phone.

I thanked him for taking the time to listen to me and I told him the issue at hand that I was flip flopped around on why I wasnt hired and I just wanted to know the truth. Even if its I look like a troll, let me know because maybe I can use it as constructive criticism and use it. Much to my surprise I was told that Vivid has no issue with me, and if being in a Vivid movie was something I wanted he saw no issue with that. I was told the project was distributed by Vivid and cast choices were made by Axel. Bingo. Axel lied to me and just didnt want to tell me the truth for whatever reason. I then thanked him for his time and he phoned Axel.

It was then Axel called me about the issue. I could tell in his voice he was very frustrated and upset I had gone above him, Honestly is was hard to get an word in with him. I stated I just wanted to know the truth, I was upset about being flip flopped, and business ethics would advise using honesty to handle possible employees or people you’re talking to in any business way. He began to laugh and stated I was no one to tell him business ethics. He then reminded me that my boyfriend is the lead role in a movie and he didnt want any problems with that so he might recast him. I stated, which I am all sure you can relate to. If you and your significant other worked at the same job and you felt you were treated unfair and you spoke out, asking you to stop by threatening to fire your significant other is intimidation and black mail. I’m pretty sure people get in trouble for that, I could be wrong. He also denied that what he was doing was intimidation. He began yelling at me telling me he didnt see the difference in if Vivid didnt ok me or he didnt. I stated it is a very big difference because if you have an issue for hiring me it means you never intended on it and lied. Finally after yelling at me for 10 minutes and trying to get me to yell back he said “I wouldnt hire you because youre fat, and tattooed” I said thank you which I dont think he heard before hanging up on me.

Now, I get, every company has the right to hire who they want for what ever reason they want. But no matter how you phrase it, there is no excuse for lying and placing the blame on someone else because you dont want to back up your opinions. Also, As you are entitled to yours I am entitled to mine. You can not intimidate and black mail someone to silence their freedom of speech. I can run the streets says I hate wal mart! No one can tell you that you cant state your opinion. Specially if it is something that can be factually backed, you cant deny truth.

I know I dont get work for my tattoos, my size, who knows maybe even my eye color. That is fine. This is a business where your body is the product. Just simply tell me you dont want my product. Problem solved.

Now I am in a tight spot, do I publish this with the truth in hopes if others are mistreated they feel comfortable enough to speak up, because trust me porn is a shady business, If you want to respect in this business, earn it, you cant scare people in to fearing you so you can control them. Also if I post this my boyfriend runs the risk of losing his job as me as a way to shut me up even though he doesnt share the same opinion , Also, I like Vivid and respect them now, so I dont want them to lose money but I dont want chauvinistic man to make money off it either. So take the facts and make your choice on if you want to boycott the movie or not. I obviously I weighted the issues and decided the truth is more important.

Be honest and things will always work out is how I fell.

So love me, Hate me, be pissed at me, say terrible things about me, support me, love me, Do what you want, because you can.

If you agree with Tweet the hashtag #StarWarsPornFail

Thank you all for your support,

Love your fat tattooed nerd,

Misti Dawn

Side note, Funny Tweets from #StarWarsPornFail

@DeederzB - @ meowmistidawn you’ve begun a new rebel alliance, we all fight for you! #starwarspornfail

@Cooper_Tarot - #starwarspornfail I find the lack of @ meowmistidawn in the Star Wars porn parody disturbing

@alexbsmith - The only way I would ever see a Star Wars themed porno was if @ meowmistidawn was starring in it. #starwarspornfail

@thegeo - @ meowmistidawn They wanted the real Lucas experience, a ton of pissed off fans. #starwarspornfail

@ohitsthattaco - @ meowmistidawn you’re not in Star Wars porn? Worst day since the release of Phantom Menace #starwarspornfail

To see more check out here. http://twitter.com/#!/search/%23starwarspornfail

Look at me cry to Vader i’m so sad you dont like me.
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