Busy Saturday

Jun 12, 2010 23:16

Getting up this morning required a surprising amount of effort. I had planned to hit the shops in Cambridge before the normal Saturday mob, but found moving from my comfy bed a bit of a struggle. Probably a combination of waking up at 5.30 AM and seeing the sunrise (which was beautiful, in a golden syrup kind of way) and large quantities of very nice wine the night before. I have never fallen asleep before the end of a movie before! Oops....

Managed to do some tidying around the house and prep to see my new client and make it out of the house in good time. It was a lovely day, and the meeting went very well. This was followed by a bit of a sour note at Primark, when I tried on several pairs of trousers to find them all too small. *sigh* As if I needed another excuse to get my bum on the crosstrainer. Guess what's on the agenda for first thing in the morning?

Fruitful trip to Staples, though, where I picked up a fantastic new wallet (thanks for the inspiration catpooka!), a couple of accordion files for organising business receipts and invoices, and a letter rack for the kitchen as post often gets dumped on the side. This is good for me - I *love* stationary stores, and enjoy looking at new ways to organise stuff, which can be a bit of a strain on the pocketbook. Sad, but sorta good in a I'd-really-love-to-get-my-stuff-organised kind of way. I'm excited about finding a simple system for dealing with all that paper, though. Fingers crossed it works!

And now, with cup of chai in hand, I am putting together the slides for my ADHD group presentation tomorrow. It's pretty straightforward, so I'll put the last touches on it tomorrow. The group hasn't been well attended yet, but this is only #3, and I've only had 1 where no one attended, so that's pretty good odds. I need to advertise more, so I'll have to put that into my schedule.

In closing, remember my clematis that I was worried about? The one I gave a massive haircut to last year so it didn't have a first set of blooms? Well, here's how it looks now:

*beam* It makes me happy.

add, garden

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