WHERE has the time gone????

May 07, 2010 19:38

Good grief!! How so much can happen in such a short span of time is beyond me. My apologies, dear LJers, I have not been very giving to you of my time and energy. Boo hiss that work makes you inaccessible, and therefore I have not been good at updating.

Right - so when we last saw our heroine, her website had gone live. Thank you to all the people who have had a look and commented - it's so nice to know you like it!! I've got my second support group session coming up this weekend, so I have to get my final presentation sorted out. Still don't know if anyone will attend, but I'll be there to find out!

In other news: I have had two offers of job interviews, and had the first one today. It's with a local company that provides software/hardware for cognitive testing for clinical trials, so I was really interested! The Business Process Manager that I met started to tell me about the job spec, so I started asking questions. What followed was a general natural flow of discussion about the job, with me steering it by my queries. He seemed pretty comfy with that, and I think it went pretty well. They're a small company of only 30 people, and they're looking for a 3rd project manager. Interestingly, because it's a niche product, they have clients internationally so it would require occasional travel. }:) Don't know how that fits into my overall plans, but can't tell that from here. I told him my pay request, and the benefits are really nice - they only give you a week's notice though, which I thought was a tad harsh. o.O Still, that's the price of business I suppose. They said they'd get back to me at the beginning of next week about a 2nd interview to meet the team (really important in a small company!), so fingers crossed. General impressions: Really nice people, gorgeous rural environment, small team with high profile which is nice. More money, more responsibility, but I can do everything they are asking for and more, so I hopefully shone well. It would be an interesting and amazing learning experience. They want someone to start ASAP, so will be looking to do second interviews pretty quick I imagine.

I've got another interview for a medical publishing company on Thursday, which is a project management position dealing more with communications, events/meetings, and facilitation - again, very interesting. I'm hoping to be able to hold off above job in order to interview for 2nd job, as the job description is pretty basic and I really want to know more. Again, local small company with international presence - kind of nice for my ego to be considered. As far as I can tell, I can do everything they ask for - the recruiter will contact me on Tuesday for further job description. It's like famine to feast in terms of jobs over here - I'm working hard to land one as my contract runs out in less than 3 months now and that makes me a little jumpy. {:(

On the flip side, I've been asked to join a Patient Advisory Research Committee (PARC) for a clinical trial on ADHD. It's interesting to be on the opposite side of the bench on this, and I'm interested to see how it will go. We've been asked to volunteer as much as we want to contribute, and I've said yes to alot of stuff - I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with it.

And today - *drum roll* I received my acceptance letter for the Bee Leaf Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy! \o/ So as soon as I can get a deposit together, I can start psychotherapy training. I had a wonderful phone interview with the head of the organisation, who is the first person in 14 years to see the value in having a degree in theatre and the kind of training it can give you in understanding how people think and perceive things. Considering her first degree was Theatre and Philosophy, I think I'm in good company. I'm hoping to sign up for the first module in July, and then start the regular program in the Autumn.

How I'm going to do all this, I have no idea. But I'm going. Just watch me go. }:D

add, job, therapy

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