Cause and Effect

Mar 14, 2010 21:27

This weekend has been amazing. In many ways, it has coalesced some thinking for me. I know that getting out of your normal environment sometimes gives you the ability to dissociate from what's happening around you every day, and see things from a bit of a distance. It also allows you to hear things that may be covered up by the constant buzz of the needs and requirements of your day to day living. There have been times in my life when getting this distance has allowed me to dream, to think that if I just had this or I just had that, it would make all the difference. And then I have laid my plans by that dream.

This is an all together different kind of dream. This is a dream of knowing - of feeling something so strongly and so truthfully that that it has concrete shape and weight. Unlike before, it doesn't require waiting for something, or learning something. It only requires moving forward. But it requires trust. Trust in yourself. Trust in the universe. Trust that you don't need to plan every step and know every piece, but just hold the whole picture in your heart. To really believe deep down to your toes that who you are is worth something, and what you have to give is enough.

I did something impossible today. Because I believed it was impossible, it took me 3 tries to do it. And that affected other people too. But with desire and determination, I achieved the impossible. And then they achieved the impossible. So I learned I can do it. But I have to believe it. So if I believe it, and they believe it, then we all can achieve anything.

nlp, add, in my skin, inspiring

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