A Green Tongue (Langua Vert)

May 19, 2009 22:48

In the green tongue, the old philosophers could represent stories about life, the life force, and the ever-changing lessons provided by Mother Nature. It is said the alchemists used this tongue to couch their wisdom so that profane people could not abuse their knowledge...However, a more realistic interpretation would stress the fact that they had to develop a poetic, metaphorical and suggestive/elusive language in which to convey their discoveries. Mystics or scientists have never claimed that Nature is an open book. In the world of Material Science, it is an object of intense and long study. Likewise, it is the same when this grand subject of inquiry is examined through the inner eye, intuition, and instinct. The green tongue is not a language to hide, but one that gives expression to that which is hidden, and which should, when properly used, evoke understanding from the listening. In bringing understanding from one level to another, speech becomes spiritual and magical. Originally, the green tongue did not belong to the alchemists or philosophers of Nature, but to the bards and poets...a gift given to describe the Green World...veriditas, or green power. It is therefore the tongue of internal truth and clear seeing, not the tongue of outward truth, or legal exactitude. It is the tongue of art, and belongs to all artists, no matter what trade they may ply. It belongs to those who have served their apprenticeship with Dame Nature. Art does not come from commandments, or follow logic, or the consensus opinion of scientific experts, but springs fresh every time from stone and wood and green sprig of earth. It is the stuff that makes good gardeners, hunters, farmers, builders, carpenters, poets, bards, sculptors, painters, drawers, healers, physicians and herbalists.
---Matthew Wood, The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism
(Emphasis mine)

I have had a most interesting day. It started with not having anything to do until after lunch, as my two managers were in conference as one is off to Kos for two weeks tomorrow (lucky him!). So I began chatting to my coworkers. One is suffering very badly from chronic sinusitis - so much so it's making her ill. We talked about her reactions to antibiotics, and how she's trying out different types of alternative therapies. I told her I'd bring in some sinus tea to try. My other coworker is suffering from insomnia, although the source is undetermined other than it's partially hereditary. I started looking up alternative remedies to sinusitis and insomnia...and found the above book in my wandering. If I am reading the preview of it correctly, this author has collected together the kind of system that I need to use as a foundation for understanding and working with a variety of herbal remedies - something I have been unable to find for ages (and also supplied me with a birthday present for Guy's Mum...whose birthday is today).

I had an interesting chat with my manager about the projects he wants me to work on, and started to get a good idea of what skills I will be using the most. What the seem to lack more than anything is efficient communication and facilitation between specialisations.....something I think I can handle much better than processing and tracking detailed minutiae.

Simultaneously, Guy chased up a request he put in last week for information from the regulatory body for a professional electrician qualification. (For those that don't know: we determined this was the best chance for him to develop his current skills and gain professional status) The organisation apologised to him, and told him a representative would be in the area tomorrow - could they meet with him? He already has a meeting booked with a rep for a company that does training to prepare for the exams given for certification.....tomorrow.

This evening, I went to a meeting of our local chapter of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. I'm a member for insurance purposes, but have never been to one of the meetings before. One lady thought I looked familliar, but we couldn't figure out where we would've met. Another lady had been on my Aromatherapy training course in 2004. We had a very interesting talk from a professional Animal Communicator about her work and the theory behind it, which had most of us nodding. It was a bit odd to be back in a "wooshy" environment, but a good reminder too as most of what she was talking about was listening. I found myself revisiting ideas, skills, and interactions that I haven't really used for a long time.

Intuition. Listening. Communication. Art. Faith. A very interesting day.

quotes, herb and hand, work, spirit, guy

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