Eridan: Be a Human.

Jul 12, 2011 20:00

(action: 1445 Mitchell, mid-afternoon ( Read more... )

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action; un_beau_coquin July 13 2011, 03:15:22 UTC
[He just comes home when he hears an awful racket. He slams the door shut to let the apparently non-droned member of his household know of his presence.]

Monsieur, I zhink it would be of your best interest if you kept your voice down.


misterwwizard July 13 2011, 04:08:17 UTC
Who the fuck are you? Some kind of human lusus?


un_beau_coquin July 13 2011, 04:29:51 UTC
I am, according to zhis place, your "fazzer". If you are looking for a name, you may call me Spy. I will not inquire about zhe zhing you 'ave just called me, for I do not care. Just quiet down; if you 'ave any questions, I suppose I could answer zhem to zhe best of my ability.


misterwwizard July 13 2011, 05:11:14 UTC
Okay then, if you have all the answers I best be fuckin' taking advantage of that.

What is this place? And why am I not a fuckin' troll anymore?


un_beau_coquin July 13 2011, 18:28:49 UTC
You are now in a town called "Mayfield". You must play zhe role zhe town 'as given you - in zhis case, one of zhe children of zhis 'ouse'old - or else you could be subject to "droning". Droning is zhe process of brainwashing, I suppose you could say, to make you believe zhat zhis town is truly magnificent and zhat you 'ave lived 'ere your whole life.

I am assuming zhat somezhing 'as changed about your appearance, since I do not know what a troll is. Zhis 'as occurred because in zhis town, you 'ave lived 'ere your whole life, meaning zhat your body must be zhat of zhe child who lives in zhis 'ouse, not whatever you used to be.


misterwwizard July 15 2011, 05:22:29 UTC
So you're tellin' me I'm stuck in some other fuckin' kid's body playin' their session of whatever game their in? That's pretty fuckin' fishy if you ask me.

Well if they want me to be fuckin' role playin' this shit out then I'll do just that. I'll show this fuckin' town how those on the top of the hemospectrum fuckin' live it up.


un_beau_coquin July 15 2011, 17:18:42 UTC
Well, it is up to you whezzer or not you will believe my words. I am not 'ere to convince you, but to inform you.

Wise choice. Ozzerwise, you may find yourself in a worse position zhan zhe one you are in now.


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