006 - Eridan : Be totally unaware of who you're really speaking to.

Dec 12, 2011 17:48


Okay, so I know you're all really fuckin' worried about me defectin' to her or whatever with regardin' my past history a' bein' a cowardly douchefish or whatever the fuck you're callin' me.

Well, worry no more. There's only one empress to me, an' her name is Feferi Peixies. She's the troll I fuckin' love an' as far as I'm concerned. I'm gonna be Fef's right hand troll an' make sure no harm is comin' to anyone. I want to see her become the empress, an' the last thing I want to see is her cry again. An' really...

[There's a long pause there. Saying things like this was hard for him.]
Least I can do for any a' you. I've been the destroyer a' hope in the past, but I see now there's fuckin' hope. An' as the coddamned Prince a' Hope, I'm gonna be keepin' that hope held high for all to fuckin' see.

Anyone that's got a' mind to be hurtin' any a' my friends is going to have to be answerin' to me. An' as a descendent a' the Orphaner, you're in for a' ocean a' fuckin' hurt if you hurt my friends. Especially Fef an' Jade.

(Phone, actually filtered to Jade)
...You know that thing moirails are supposed to be doin'...? Yeah, I could use that right about now.


[for all the boasting and bold proclamations Eridan was giving earlier, he's awfully silent now. Sitting in his room, just staring at the fancy blue rifle know as Ahab's Crosshairs. He looks awfully worried and downcast. He couldn't help but worry about the whatif's. What if he did end up betraying his friends again? What if he does go back to his old ways? It's a question that never leaves his mind, and the nightmares never helped things either.]


[The loud and perpetually grumpy Eridan is... not himself today. He's got lots of things on his mind. What Doc Scratch said to him, the arrival of the Condesce... his own worries. His grumpiness isn't even his normal brand....]
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