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Action ☆ High School fatedmagica November 19 2011, 02:07:29 UTC
[ Madoka hasn't always been this forward. But something about a classmate getting up, screaming, and running off campus inspires a bit of action in her.

She gets up from her lunch table and follows after him without much hesitation. Doesn't matter that she's never seen him before. ]

Hey! Hey, slow down! Slow down, it's okay! [ She reaches out to grab his hand and stop him from scratching himself anymore. ]


Re: Action ☆ High School misterwwizard November 19 2011, 03:28:18 UTC
[he quickly jerks his hand away, a little scared...]

What are you doin' Are you gonna fuckin' hurt me just like all these voices are doin'...

It's like chainsaws... fuckin' chainsaws...


fatedmagica November 19 2011, 03:30:30 UTC

[ And voices? But Madoka doesn't see any chainsaws or hear any voices. This immediately adds to her concern. ]

N-no, I won't. I promise, I won't hurt you. And I won't let them hurt you anymore either... o-okay? Please believe me.


misterwwizard November 20 2011, 21:22:54 UTC
[this is actually... comforting to hear... His sanity comes in flashes... so for the moment he will slowly, and reluctantly, move closer to Madoka.]


fatedmagica November 20 2011, 21:26:35 UTC
There, see?

Now, is it something that you're seeing? Maybe you should try closing your eyes...? I... I don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary...


misterwwizard November 24 2011, 05:47:10 UTC
[Eridan closes his eyes, which... only makes things worse. All he can see is strange, distorted faces]

That's not helpin'! It's even scarier!


fatedmagica November 24 2011, 21:39:52 UTC
I um! I'm sorry!

L-let's see, um... there's got to be something that we can do, um... m-maybe... Music! Maybe we should find calming music for you to listen to?


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