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Park motherofjegus November 18 2011, 22:04:07 UTC
[Guess which mothering troll doesn't like to see people unhappy or in pain? Eridan seems to be a bit of both, so she can't help but see if there is something wrong]

Eridan? Is there something troubling you?


misterwwizard November 19 2011, 02:56:57 UTC
[he nods, trying to cover his wounds]

I'm hearin' voices...tellin' me to kill.


motherofjegus November 19 2011, 03:06:29 UTC
[she rubs his back]

Tell the voices that you don't want to kill, that you want others to live.


misterwwizard November 20 2011, 21:24:20 UTC
[all he can really do is cry right into Dolorosa's shoulder.]

I'm even hearin' Dualscar's voice... he's sayin' I'm a failure a' the highest degree...

I'm not... am I?


motherofjegus November 21 2011, 22:33:52 UTC
[She shushes him quietly and murmurs about how it is okay to let your emotions out]

Dualscar cared for very little people, he is not someone's who opinion I hold in very high regards. I don't think you're a failure at all.


misterwwizard November 24 2011, 20:31:08 UTC
[sniffles... that brings out a small smile.]

I don't want to be seein' these nightmares anymore...


motherofjegus November 26 2011, 18:00:38 UTC
Why don't you tell me about a happier dream instead, to chase away the nightmares.


misterwwizard November 27 2011, 08:08:51 UTC

[he tries hard to recall one. Most of his nights here have been filled with nightmares, so its hard. He'll just tell Dolorosa about one person who's special to him and her dream... It was a longshot, but maybe if he truly, truly believed in it... the world would stop.]

I'm dreamin' a' a world where my matesprit is the empress... carryin' out her vision a' the world. Everyone helpin' everyone... everyone bein' equal. No one bein' lonely... A world where bein' culled means bein' helped...


motherofjegus November 27 2011, 16:06:56 UTC
[she smiles] That's a lovely world, something I believe is reachable. No one should have to be lonely, no one should be discriminated against because of the color of their blood. That's a wonderful dream. What you should do is try to make the dream into reality.


misterwwizard November 29 2011, 22:59:20 UTC
I want to do anythin' to make Fef happy.


motherofjegus November 29 2011, 23:11:20 UTC
It is noble to want to do well for another, but unless you truly believe in the dream as well, you will not accomplish as much as you wish to. Your heart would not be in your work and others would be able to tell, they will not believe it if you do not believe it.


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