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action in the park, before Fassad and after she's calmed down dreambubbly November 18 2011, 21:25:05 UTC
[Everything is going crazy. Everything, and she knows what's causing it. She just hopes that she hasn't done too much damage by flipping out earlier.]

...I'm sorry. I'm okay. I'm okay now and you're going to be okay, too. It wears off. [She's going to approach slowly, a hand extended.]


misterwwizard November 19 2011, 01:21:56 UTC
[Eridan looks up... still seing Feferi as the dead version of herself, hearing her words spliced in with "KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME"]

No! I can't kill you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Fef... I'm goin' crazy again. If that's actually fuckin' you please help me... I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

[he's rocking back and forth now, he hasn't grabbed the hand yet. He's scared of what will happen if he does.]


dreambubbly November 19 2011, 01:29:00 UTC
It's me, Eridan. It's Feferi. I know I flipped out earlier, but I'm okay now. And you're going to be, too.

[She sits down next to him, pulling him close. Part of her - the part of her that hasn't entirely gotten over her own hallucinations - is wanting to scream, but she holds that back.]

It's me. It's really me. You're not going to hurt me, or anyone else. No one else is going to hurt you.


misterwwizard November 20 2011, 21:03:33 UTC
[he recoils from the touch, cowering.... still fearing she's going to hurt him. His hallucinations continue to overlap, causing him to go from fine to crazy and back again...]

Don't hurt me Fef... Please don't...


dreambubbly November 21 2011, 01:36:22 UTC
Eridan, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. You're my matesprit. Why would I do that?

[She makes the effort to pull him closer, rubbing his back and making soft shooshing noises.]

It's going to be all right. This will wear off soon.


misterwwizard November 21 2011, 02:50:00 UTC
[He whines and cries a bit more... until eventually he drowns them out enough to hear Feferi's shooshing, it was music to his ears...]

Fef... It's you... it's really you...


dreambubbly November 21 2011, 03:37:32 UTC
It's me. Nothing is going to happen. If you're hearing them yelling at you that it is, you tell them that the heiress to the Alternian throne tells them to shut up and leave you alone. And that is an order.

[Her words might be a little sharp, but her actions are anything but, drying those tears and continuing the shooshing noises.]


misterwwizard November 24 2011, 01:14:32 UTC
[That actually gets him to calm down a bit. His cries are reduced to whimpers and sniffles...]

You hear that you fuckin' voices. Fef wants you to leave me all the fuck alone! Don't make her come up there.


dreambubbly November 24 2011, 03:45:24 UTC
It's true. They do not want me to come up there. I'd have to break out a 2x3dent and go after some beaches.

[She slows down the shooshing a little, just a little, but continuing the hugging and everything else.]

I've got you. It's all right.


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