
Feb 12, 2017 09:20

There's no way to express my annoyance.

So I guess I'll try this.

I wake up most days and feel rushed to do stuff.

The days there is no rush, there is no anything. Boredom rules.

The boredom can be nice. It's the only time I feel moderately relaxed, but even on those "relaxing" days there's an urge to be held accountable.

My accountability always holds me feeling inadequate.

There's accountability for being a teacher, a parent, a husband, a human, a liberal, a son, a brother, a neighbor, a citizen, and myself.

Inadequacy is abound.

It does make me feel like, "what's the point?"

By no means do I mean, "what's the point in life?" No woe is me.

It's more like a "What's the point in trying?"

What's the point in caring about accountability?

Accountable for what?

Accountable to whom?

Notice how the accountability for myself is last. That was purposeful.

I don't feel like I'm doing anything for myself. Even when I kind of am.

There is no money. There is no time. There is no reflection.

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