From part(s) 8, 9, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 38, 54-56, 58, 60, and 61. There are probably some cameos missing, but ... this is pretty much it. I think.
Just a forewarning, folks, before you trek off into the meme: some of these threads aren't safe for work. None of them contain anything explicit (I don't do explicit stuff), though England swearing like a sailor is a given.
(-) denotes threads to which I commented while anonymous and probably-sort-of-England.
Part 8
Anonymous: "In the late 1800s Japan got most of their condoms from England and France."*
America's laughing in the background.(2) Finland: "Do you think I could get away with hanging out washing tomorrow naked if I do it early enough in the morning?",
England: "Why are you asking this in public?"(3)
'Ask Lithuania': England gets cooking advice.(4)
Tony jeers at Hatton.*
The alien and England prepare to duke it out. Part 9
"Iceland was here./England is a loser." (Note: it was written on a chalkboard. The image's no longer there.)
Part 11
Japan sings a parody song and England catches wind of it.(2)
Rome announces an orgy.*
England says: "Hell no."*
He tries to convince Northern Italy that orgies are bad. Part 18
Sweden presents a restaurant's menu. Part 19
America: "AMERICAN ENGLISH IS BETTER, THAT'S WHAT." [Confession: I didn't actually come up with the cucumber sandwich. Another Anon initially mentioned it in an older thread with
notnotawesome (all I remember is that it involved a water park for some reason), and I followed up after they left. I'd like to find that thread again someday.]
Part 21
France: "Oho, fancy meeting you here, anons~"*
England swears under his breath.(2) Anonymous: "Who else thinks that we need 12 more Frances?",
England: "Vetoed."(3) Anonymous: "[Who's] responsible for Canada's missing 15.3 million in gold?",
England: "Matthew, I do hope you haven't embezzled it for your own personal ends."(4) England unintentionally makes
an awkward situation ...
more awkward.
Canada: "So I wake up and I do a little back-reading and I see this. [...] I'm sorry, dad!"*
England: "Do try to be more candid in the future."*America: "And he wants time alone to do his sex scandals.",
England: "W-What scandals!"(6)
Sealand: "Alright! The first guest to my party and orgy!", Thirteen Colonies: "Thanks for having me in your orgy, Sealand!", England: "Neither of you are having a goddamned orgy!"
England: "Canada, your cake."(8)
"Everyone forgot about Hong Kong National Day..."*
England offers a quiet apology. Part 22
England: "'appy Good Riddance Day!" Part 24
America: "'Don't really have the thighs for it,' MY ASS."*
England: "G-Good for you! Now put on a pair of trousers, for God's sake."*
Anonymous to the Thirteen Colonies: "Wouldn't you like a little skirt of your own?"(2)
Thirteen Colonies: "[Everyday, I'm] more depressed about my future, even though I do not understand what this means."*
Anonymous: "You were a bright, happy child, just looking for England. Now you're [...]"(3)
Fighting rats.(4)
Fighting rats, resolution.(5)
It's Tony the Alien. Part 26
(1) "
The original Magic 8 Ball has all the answers you need!"
England: "Is my embroidery basket in the kitchen?" (2)
lion_guardant (England)
Part 27
America: "Dare.", England: "APOLOGISE TO ME THIS INSTANT!"
Canada: "Okay, what do you guys think of when you hear "double-double"?"*
England: "Macbeth or a hotel room, I'm afraid."*America: "In-N-Out's where it's at!",
England: "That name has no relation to food."(2)
America: "Just thought I'd make this official."*
England: "The situation was worse than I expected."(3) Anonymous: "But it seems like this England [
lion-guardant] is tricking America into signing something like a marriage certificate."
England: "'A marriage certificate'?".
notnotawesome IS COMMUNIST?"
America: "I've always been Communist."(5)
Another TRUTH OR DARE thread*
Anonymous: "I dare you to eat England's own cooking for a whole day. ", France: " is truth or dare, not a death sentence, anon."
Canada: "Anons are strange, papa.", France: "...please stay away from these anons from now on, mon fils."
Colonial Canada: "Anon Meme! Look what I gathered for you!"*
England's just observing.(7)
Operation Stop Drunk Brits courtesy of
Part 38
Apparently America's stuck with a British accent.*Elizabeth: "...we leave you alone for two seconds, my land. Two seconds. And what do we come back to?", America: "'Tis the barbaric undead queen from beyond!",
England: "Bastard! Her Majesty is not to be insulted!" Part 54:
England accidentally de-anons.(2)
Anonymous: "I'LL MAKE YOU LOVE ME. ONE DAY..." Part 55
England gets second comment.(2)
France: "Bonjour! How nice it is to see you all again."*
America: "England was mean and said he didn't want to get me a kitten. Will you get me a kitten?"(3)
Kumajirou: "Someone called me a furry. What's a furry?", England: "I imagine that's because you have fur."
England (sort of) comforting an Anon. (Could've handled that better...)
Part 56
"You wake up in a MEME."*
Cold War America thinks Hong Kong is communist.*
Communist America ... briefly makes an appearance. Part 58
America's not crying.*
England being not so inconspicuous.(1)
America: "Accio Firebolt!"(2)
England: "Nonetheless -- what a display."(3)
England: "I haven't got [a mum]."(4)
England: "YOU SAW NOTHING." Part 60
"Specifically an RPer Headcount?"*
England responds to a paragraph of metaphorical smut-fic. Part 61
England: "Is that you?" (he asks an Anonymous.)
China's stretching.*
England watches.(3)
Conquistador Spain: "DEAR INGLATERRA,"(4)
World Meeting Thread.*Nation of Anonymous #38794: "AND I DEMAND THAT EVERY NATION PAY ME ONE MILLION DOLLARS. / Or alternatively, I raise the notion that the meeting be supplied with free Oreos and a glass of milk.",
England: "Notion of free food, accepted with reservations. Demand to be paid: rejected."*
England: "You called?"(5)
England: "You're undoubtedly early for teatime, old chap, but you do what you must."