Paranoia confirmed

Nov 11, 2006 01:43

Right, some of you know that I got some strange feedback at ITN a few weeks back.

Strange because, well, I'm freelance. We don't get feedback. Go figure. Dave, one of my fellow freelancers also had some feedback of a similar nature.

According to the one, some or all of the presenters; I am both "cocky and intrusive" wheras Dave is "cocky and careless".

You all see that, similar wording, my first clue. My boss theorised that it was probably because the presenters take a while to warm to new people and they just don't know my personality yet. OK. Fair enough. Still, this fucked with my chi something fierce. I wound up spending the night in my head and not in the studio and to be fair, blew. I've not really had a good shift since this went on. I mean, I've not had anything go wrong, I've just not aced a show. In fact, I took the time to re-evaluate my working relationship with the talent.

How, well I stopped initiating conversation with them, save for polite greetings, farewells and the occasional inquiry about health. The upshot? Well, Doctor Science has come through again kids, with gusto. This week I have been back on form socially. Chrissie from the weather keeps showing me her cool feature footage and teasing me via talkback, of the other presenters I have chatted about Sorkin and entropy, had showjumping explained to me, one has expressed an interest in coming to see a show, I have talked about holidays, soup, films and all manner of other stuff. Said presenters initiated all of the above conversations.

Doctor Science has done good. You won't notice who doesn't appear above. This is because, in support of a theory I've been working on, it's become evident that this individual is in possession of a significant dislike of me.

"Whoa there, you're paranoid. You're a crazy paranoid fellah." You might think. And that's fair. Only there's not been a single initiated conversation in five shifts, frequently just the two of us in the studio. (Also, you know damn well that if I've fucked up, it's been in front of this one. Of course, this isn't relevant, but illustrates how this has gotten into my head) And you know what? That's fine. I have a large number of friends, I like them, I'm proud of them, they're keen... my point is that I'm not in desperate need of more.

However, I've still been not at my best the last few weeks. But tonight, ohhh tonight, we ran a story about MI5 and also about muslim radicals. I like MI5, that's spies also I'm interested in gaining a richer understanding of Islam, on all levels. So I figured I'd grab a hard copy of the storys and watch the VT after the show. (I can't watch the news as we make it, that leads to fucking up. This, however, isn't my point.) I did, and then while sorting out the paperwork, I found of all things... That the presenters(different from the ones listed above) have been passing notes about me.


Looking back, I should have rummaged to see if there were more. I didn't. I'll confess, I was a little shocked.

The text?

"He is fucking
at me
- weirdo
- don't


The first text we can attribute to the one mentioned earlier, the second to another presenter in the studio. Also, thanks to the two inks used, the drawing of a small dagger is also second one's work. From the orientation the dagger's hilt is pointing at me, the blade at the first one. Significant? I don't know.

Then we had a break and the first one went on leave. I came back and rocked the floor on the late news. I really was all over that. I got my game back. Score.

The question is, what do I do about the note?

I'm all for keeping my fool mouth shut for the time being and though I hate to use this as a rationale, to put it down to crazy hormones. Or... I'm tempted to mention it to my boss as insurance against further "feedback".

And framing it.

I'm SO framing it.

Thoughts please kids.

Edited to keep names out of it. That was dumb.

Anyhow, I'm your host Misterspidergod, you're watching Sportsnight on CSC, so stick around.

work, crazy

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