
Oct 13, 2006 00:48

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your music library
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you are cool...

Opening Credits: Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Well folks, my life it seems is not a kids film, noooooo sir. Maybe some sort of black comedy, this will be accompanied by shots of a road somewhere. Probably in rain.

Waking Up: Rudi Can't Fail - The Clash. I really do listen to this first thing in the morning, at times. I'm waking up in the mood that is the mood of the 80's. And happy.

First Day At School: Hysteria - Muse. Ummm... I have an angry school life. Possibly it's the injustice of standardised testing, possibly I'm just a mouthy prick.

Falling In Love: Hey Ya - Outkast. Not what I would have picked but still cool. I will be falling in love dressed as a horse jockey. Score.

Fight Song: Rapper's Delight - RUN DMC. This movie's going a bit "G"-wards. I will have my ass kicked to the verse about your mate being a bad host.

Breaking Up: The Last Polka - Ben Folds. Most appropriate song ever. Plus this is one of those bitter, hate-fuelled breakups. "I want you back, I'm not done hurting you." That sort. Like the films.

School Ball: Hard Candy - The Counting Crows. Who I loved in high school, as I do now. Wow, a song about things not working out with girls. How teenagery of me.

Life's OK: Music is the Victim - Scissor Sisters. This reminds me of working at favorit. In a good way. Being a samurai with the big knives and the various peppers and things being honourless ninja. Kiai!... soo many cuts...

Mental Breakdown: Acetone - Kenikie. You don't remember Kenikie, there are six of us who do. Ten including the band. But this song is a good one to lose it to. It's a slow collapse of an ego too.

Driving: Everyday I Love you Less and Less - The Kaiser Chiefs. That's some mighty driving.

Flashback: Guilty - The Blues Brothers (well, Jake). Apparently I'll be regretting my cocaine and alcohol addictions.

Getting Back Together: Reach for the Sun - The Polyphonic Spree. This makes sense. Plus, KAFTANS!

Wedding: Spit on a Stranger - Pavement. Not what it sounds like folks, this is actually a very pretty song about liking someone else to the point where you would spit at passers by without warrant. Aww...

Birth of Child: The Soviet National Anthem - The Red Army Choir. Umm... Maybe there are spies in my movie.

Final Battle: 19-2000 - Gorillaz (soul child 2000 remix). My final battle is well choreographed. My final battle is full of exciting visuals. My final battle is about shoe shine.

Death Scene: Golden Years - David Bowie. Hmm... mildly apt. I'm glad there's some Bowie in there.

Funeral Song: The Only Living Boy in New Cross - Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine. Man alive, or not. My funeral will retro-rock.

End Credits: Halo 2 Theme, Mjolnir Mix. Aww... fuck this would rock as my funerary tune. But still it's a good way to go out on. I love the corps! HOO-RAH!

I thought about putting this behind a cut. But didn't.

guff, misc

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