(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 12:55

What indeed is up?

Now there's a tale.

I'm sat on a weekend shift in the newsroom, with nothing to do. Save this obviously. I'm on ITV cover duty, so in the event of news happening I can go do my thing.

Of late there is fun. On Monday there's a slim chance I'll be called in to do an hour's interview with David Hasslehoff. But I've a feeling they'll have a staffer do it rather than the new kid.
It looks like a busy month a-coming I have two weeks straight with no days off in a little over a week, that'll be fun. And when I say fun I mean dreadful.

Hmm... Star Trek is on 2... My God I'm bored of TV.

OK. Funny story, yesterday morning at about 4am it seems that a fox snuck through the catflap of a house in Brighton (I think, the location isn't important. Shh...) walked past the food in the kitchen and some food that was apparently in the hall (why they had hall-food I know not) and proceded upstairs. Once on the first floor, it entered a bedroom and bit a ten year old girl on her leg. Panic ensues. The parents trap the foc in the lounge and phone the RSPCA who politely explain that they can't send someone out unless the animal is injured. The father makes the case that that can be arranged and is informed that if that is the case then he'll be charged with assault.

So then, they manage to coax the little bastard out by laying a trail of food to the door. This is where we come in, they call the newsdesk on London Tonight and tell us the story, more over that they have footage of the girl's injury and of the fox in the house. It's a slow enough news day for us, so we send out a bike to fetch the tape.

Well the footage is average at best and there's not that much of the fox, but then... the fox footage stops and cut to the mother dancing around in very little clothing, this cuts to the father's POV as he "interferes" with himself and apparently progresses into more graphic and elaborate activities.

You'd think they'd label these tapes better no?

As it happened we couldn't run the story as no reporters could face talking to them.

Whoo. Middle east cease fire!

Bollocks to this.

More later.

work, funny, guff

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