(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 01:16

My laptop is heading to the great big repair shop in the sky for a few days welcome respite from my constant use of it. Hoorah.

Anyhow, seeing asI'm without the pooter for a few days I figured it's high time for an update, albeit a short one as it's bedtime.


1. I work freelance for ITN now. I don't know how this came about exactly, but it did. I floor manage the lunchtime and eveing news a few times a week, it's ace. I'm trying to get more work with other, newer companies too. Also I supplement this on quieter weeks by doing anything else I can get my hands on.

2. The above point is true save that I'm about to go to Edinburgh for the fringe in two weeks, so I have august off form the news gig. I am however working only 10am - 1pm at the fringe, and need more gigs. So if you know of any shows that need people, or any one offs I could do let me know. I am however not working for free. I charge £15 per show based on an average 55 minute long production with 10 minutes prep/downtime either side or longer engagements are individually arranged. This is becauseI need money and I'm good at what I do.

3. The improv goes well, I'm taking spontenaity shop classes most weeks and feeling good about it.

4. London is warm and humid. This displeases me. That is all I have to say on the subject. Except that ITN is air conditioned, joy.

5. I'm running an improv workshop pre maelstrom if you fancy it folks (if you don't know, then you're cooler than me. Fact.) check out the rule7 thread for details.

I'm sure there's more.

Maybe later.

Night folks.
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