Can Spiderman come out to play?

Apr 06, 2006 00:17

Good Evening folks,

In light of the lies I told about updating whenever I said I would... an actual update.

Right of late, I have it seems finaly managed to prod Opera East into paying me for the work I did for them EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS AGO. Score.
The temp agencies have yet to pony up anything good, but there's hope for next week and even more potential after the middle of April for some reason. Who knew there were seasons for this?

Event work is fleshing out, it's still a quite quiet month, but hey, so long as I'm working I'm happy, I'd rather be working in the daytime and getting home before 4am, but work is work and thus I am industrious. Rar.

I am in the process of putting together a calander of grad scheme application deadlines and subsequently there be a flurry of applications on my part for a number of various companies. Bada-bing.

Also, this week sees a bumper crop of gigs and positions on Artshub that I plan to apply for.

And finally, I have located, no less than three minutes walk from my house a place that operates Milinery classes. So as soon as I get a regular source of income... I learn how to make hats.

Can anyone think of something else fun i could learn to do in my evenings?


work, rant, misc

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