(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 01:21

The gig went well, despite me not seeing the show until I was opping it. I had real fun though, I love working in theatre it seems.

In a related topic, the show was an hour and a half of traditional and modern Indian dance, I caught myself questioning if I was racist for not really being that interested. I don't think I am.

In other, less good news, I have no money. Somehow, over the last three weeks, I have spent almost all of my money. I don't know how, or where or when. But I'm fucked.

It doesn't help that I'm owed about £1,500 from various companies at the minute. Ohhh FUUUUUUUUUUCK! I HATE THEATRE!!!

A contradiction. It seems I love the work, but hate how difficult it is to make a living.



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