Great, enthusiastic article. I thought I was into this before.
But take a look at this. Keep in mind that this is 2 podcasts. One somewhat popular one and one (mine) that is not so heard of.
This is my tracker. It displays the amount of bandwidth generated in a period of less than a month. The oldest podcast on the tracker is from Oct. 22nd. Check your service provider's bandwidth policy and charges, then take a look at the numbers...
The reason why I do not have a 2500 dollar bandwidth bill?
I use speakeasy as my provider, which allows for servers and I use bittorrent. That bandwidth you see isn't what was sent out from my machine only. It's the bandwidth I sent out and the bandwidth downloaders sent out.
Now, I know not everyone has a provider that allows such things. You may not even have the ability to run a tracker (static IP), but public trackers exist. And as you can see, mine is not the only podcast I host/publish on the tracker. As soon as I know what kind of traffic my tracker can handle without imploding, I will offer my services (free) to other podcasts.
The dircaster thing is great though. I'm just anticipating much bandwidth suffering in the coming weeks. We're already seeing the early signs on the yahoo podcasting group.
And I have managed to get bittorrent to work properly in ipodder 1 and 1.1 ....
It may seem complicated at first, but once everything is in place it's a matter of editing a few lines of text, point-and-click torrent file making and moving files around. I've personally never considered myself any kind of "coder".
I will fess to being one of the "bad rant(ers)" , although I have no basement. heh. I would most likely live in it if I did have one though.. and rant in it. With a mic I suppose.
I just hope the general quality goes up a bit. Much of it IS crap. Brilliant, wonderful, fresh, new crap.
But I like Hardcore Insomnia, Theory of Everything (brilliant!) and the regulars like Daily Source Code, IT Conversations and their "ilk".
Listening to my own show, I found myself at times feeling like I was watching a train wreck in slow motion. But hopefully my show will improve as well. Hopefully.
"The dircaster thing is great though. I'm just anticipating much bandwidth suffering in the coming weeks."
Me too. And the Bit Torrent hack is great. But until someone writes a deadly, stupidly simple podcasting guide that does things like explain where the RSS enclosure data is actually supposed to go when you're posting -- I've read ten and not one of them illustrate that -- then non-technical artists are going to need things like Dircaster, and may fall prey to heavy bandwidth use. It's the trade-off.
That said, no way in hell would I leave five 30-meg-plus files in my podcasting directory...!
"But until someone writes a deadly, stupidly simple podcasting guide that does things like explain where the RSS enclosure data is actually supposed to go when you're posting -- I've read ten and not one of them illustrate that"
I know. I've written something along those lines.
It takes the code line by line and explains what needs to be changed and in some cases even why. But it's light on the why.
Best thing about it is it works for people who are not familiar with coding.
It's going through some corrections and should be posted in the podcasting lj community and the yahoo group today.
We're not months into all this, we're WEEKS into it. Knowing that, it's come pretty far.
"That said, no way in hell would I leave five 30-meg-plus files in my podcasting directory...!"
You mean for publishing or for downloads? That's not superhero talk, man. lol
But take a look at this. Keep in mind that this is 2 podcasts. One somewhat popular one and one (mine) that is not so heard of.
This is my tracker. It displays the amount of bandwidth generated
in a period of less than a month. The oldest podcast on the tracker is from Oct. 22nd. Check your service provider's bandwidth policy and charges, then take a look at the numbers...
Over 43 GIGS. In less than a month.
The reason why I do not have a 2500 dollar bandwidth bill?
I use speakeasy as my provider, which allows for servers and
I use bittorrent. That bandwidth you see isn't what was sent out
from my machine only. It's the bandwidth I sent out and the bandwidth downloaders sent out.
Now, I know not everyone has a provider that allows such things. You may not even have the ability to run a tracker (static IP), but public trackers exist. And as you can see, mine is not the only podcast I host/publish on the tracker. As soon as I know what kind
of traffic my tracker can handle without imploding, I will offer my services (free) to other podcasts.
The dircaster thing is great though. I'm just anticipating much
bandwidth suffering in the coming weeks. We're already seeing the early signs on the yahoo podcasting group.
And I have managed to get bittorrent to work properly in ipodder 1 and 1.1 ....
My rough guide:
It may seem complicated at first, but once everything is in
place it's a matter of editing a few lines of text, point-and-click torrent file making and
moving files around. I've personally never considered myself
any kind of "coder".
I will fess to being one of the "bad rant(ers)" , although
I have no basement. heh. I would most likely live in it if I did have one though.. and rant in it. With a mic I suppose.
I just hope the general quality goes up a bit. Much of it IS crap.
Brilliant, wonderful, fresh, new crap.
But I like Hardcore Insomnia, Theory of Everything (brilliant!) and the regulars like Daily Source Code, IT Conversations and their "ilk".
Listening to my own show, I found myself at times feeling like I was watching a train wreck in slow motion. But hopefully my show will improve as well. Hopefully.
bandwidth suffering in the coming weeks."
Me too. And the Bit Torrent hack is great. But until someone writes a deadly, stupidly simple podcasting guide that does things like explain where the RSS enclosure data is actually supposed to go when you're posting -- I've read ten and not one of them illustrate that -- then non-technical artists are going to need things like Dircaster, and may fall prey to heavy bandwidth use. It's the trade-off.
That said, no way in hell would I leave five 30-meg-plus files in my podcasting directory...!
I know.
I've written something along those lines.
It takes the code line by line and explains what needs to be changed and in some cases even why. But it's light on the why.
Best thing about it is it works for people who are not familiar
with coding.
It's going through some corrections and should be posted
in the podcasting lj community and the yahoo group today.
We're not months into all this, we're WEEKS into it. Knowing
that, it's come pretty far.
"That said, no way in hell would I leave five 30-meg-plus files in my podcasting directory...!"
You mean for publishing or for downloads? That's not superhero talk, man. lol
Joy. Does it tell you where on your website to put the code, and how?
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