Because the effort required to find me and end my life really isn't offset by the benefit of removing me from the world, even as simple population reduction.
The maximum effort-to-benefit ratio for that sort of thing would probably be to find a place where a class of human you find particularly revolting tends to congregate (country clubs, football games, upscale department stores, legislatures, Washington D.C., Fred Phelps's house, $2000-a-plate political fundraising dinners, whatever floats your boat...) and plant a selection of bombs there. Or else, for that personal touch, go in and shoot everyone yourself.
'course, either way there's a good chance of accidentally killing or maiming people you'd really prefer not to, and then there's the whole being wanted for mass murder thing. Oh, and adding fodder for the politicians and media to further perpetuate the image that the world is a terrible, entirely arbitrary place and we should therefore all live in fear at all times, because we can't do a thing about it.
The maximum effort-to-benefit ratio for that sort of thing would probably be to find a place where a class of human you find particularly revolting tends to congregate (country clubs, football games, upscale department stores, legislatures, Washington D.C., Fred Phelps's house, $2000-a-plate political fundraising dinners, whatever floats your boat...) and plant a selection of bombs there. Or else, for that personal touch, go in and shoot everyone yourself.
'course, either way there's a good chance of accidentally killing or maiming people you'd really prefer not to, and then there's the whole being wanted for mass murder thing. Oh, and adding fodder for the politicians and media to further perpetuate the image that the world is a terrible, entirely arbitrary place and we should therefore all live in fear at all times, because we can't do a thing about it.
Plus, ridiculously bad karma.
All in all, it's probably not worth the bother.
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