May 17, 2009 15:01

Thom isn't your usual brave and fearless hero. Even though there is a huge difference between how he acts at the beginning and at the end of the book, no one could say he was a confident guy, ever. Because he lacks the self-confidence that drives most heroes, he tries too hard, constantly, and that comes off as being very awkward and unfit for the situations more often than not.

He is the kind of guy that will judge people very quickly and who will assume things about them. When unsure about someone's intention or about a situation, he tends to come up with the worst case scenario and he convinces himself that this scenario he now has in his head is exactly what is really happening.

Thom wants to make the world a better place, and he realises he can't do it alone but being a superhero is his way to help out, to make a difference. He learned not to have a black and white point of view about heroes and villains and he's ready to listen to villains who want to turn around. He also understands that if needed, some people will have to be killed, although he never killed anyone himself. He was, for example, present at Justice's death and it was clear for him that killing him was the only viable option.

Thom comes off as a complete dork very frequently, because of how he handles situations clumsily and without thinking enough, and because of how he talks before thinking it through or, once again, thinking about it too much. He'll do ridiculous things because of how he'll overthink a situation until he finds it logical for him to act that way. He just has the strangest thought-process. For example, before going to the League's tryouts, he wondered for quite a while about what he should be wearing to it. He came to the conclusion that wearing two things one over the other was the intelligent thing to do...

He's easily impressed and influenced, and even though he has some leadership skills, he is not confident enough to use them and is mostly a follower. In the middle of world's end, he gathered the confidence to use them a bit but that was mostly because he didn't have any choice because it was the end of the world. In a somewhat safer environment, he will either stay alone or put his trust into someone he can follow.

He is the kind of guy who will push himself over his limits and put others before himself. However, his attachment to some people will cloud his vision and influence his decisions - he will take the wrong decision to help them instead of seeing the big picture. He has a hard time dealing with people suffering around him and will do his best to always correct these situations.

This doesn't mean that he is selfless, he is still a teenage boy with a ~dramatic past~ and he has bursts of 'everything is about me, my life is sad, everyone hates me', etc. He doesn't want to be this way and will most likely go 'oh, yeah, ouch, sorry' if someone tells him he's being self-centered. Because of that, he has some trouble listening to people without interrupting or deviating the subject towards himself a little. But once again, he'd prefer not to act this way and will feel guilty about it and shut up if someone tells him how he's acting.

Finally, he has drama-queen reactions to things going badly. Running away from home is one of his favourites. Coming back to yell and destroy things is another. He then feels stupid when he calms down and usually ends up trying to ignore what he just did. He also has a decent amount of 'I can't believe I just said that' moments. This isn't as bad at the point in canon when he is taken as it was at the beginning of the book, but he still exaggerates or dramatizes a lot. Goran has a good influence on him in that aspect, as he is calmer and doesn't mind telling Thom to stop fretting. Ever.

ooc: info

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