Jan 08, 2006 21:34
It may sound dumb to many of you, but even now I can't give up the possibility (or what was once a probability) of pursuing academia for a living due to the simple reason that I love books so goddamn much. I'm a weird bird, I know. But fuck it: I love reading books, discussing them, writing about them, even reading criticism that would bore anyone in their right mind. Of course, the romance is gone and reality has long since set in: the pay is bad, the work competitive and scarce, the students frequently dumb, unappreciative, uninterested. When you've been around as long as I have in the company of lit. professors, you eventually realize they all have at least three things in common: 1) they're hugely in debt. 2) alcoholism. 3) they're all paranoids since the job lacks stability. And god, the notion of moving to central Arkansas or south-eastern Wyoming or western Idaho for a job and supposedly being grateful for it--well, I'm not sure if I love the discipline that much...
All that said, as of today I am now officially full-time at work. It's not a salary position (not yet), but I got a raise, access to health benefits, company stock, all that jazz. Not too shabby considering I started only two months ago. So yeah, I'm pleased that my competence and work ethic is for once noted, appreciated, and rewarded. I've been long overdue for good news.