You may notice my tendency to split hairs over religion, philosophy, and politics. That projects a negative and incomplete image of me, making me look like someone who bitches and moans about perceived tricks and inaccuracies when it comes to controversial subjects.
The fact is, I'm like that about everything.
Case in point:
This article about absinthe.
I could go down, line by line, and explain to you what pisses me off about this in a typical OCD fashion. But it's easier to just say it: I have extremely thin patience for articles and reporting that contain, in my view, purposeful trickery, misunderstandings, misconceptions, or cute fluff. So when I read a newspaper, the only parts that don't piss me off are the word puzzle and the stock ticker page. Don't even get me started on the comics page.
But here's just quick, off the cuff thoughts I had while reading this article.
* Legendary? No, it's illegal and obscure. If that equals legendary, 4chan hosts a lot of legendary pictures.
* Hemingway was a writer, they always describe things poetically.
* Who the hell is Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec?
* Madness-inducing line? Okay, fair enough, I've been to Disney World.
* Between the six hour drive for a bottle and that last name, I can likely sum up Karen Juzefczyk just as concisely: "Problem drinker."
* Random facts about the booze budget in three large cities out of nowhere!
* Sociology professor means "Ignore whatever this guy is about to say, it's completely made up."
* I like that slant, where the drink is alleged to have inspired our most popular painters, and was hated by people who are unfun. Good to know that the 'drinking this is harmful' thing has been debunked, but not the 'getting wasted makes you creative' part.
* Notice the Hemingway quote with a roundabout 10-word description of absinthe. By the way, back then writers were paid by the word or letter. Think about it.
* Chuck is straightforward. I like Chuck. Least amount of bullshit in the whole article, right there.
* The claim wasn't that it makes you chop your ears off, lady.
* Poets and artists. Is the writer aware that other people liked absinthe too, like fishmongers and phrenologists?
* I cannot argue with uniforms as a marketing gimmick.
* Test the edge of the universe = drink everclear straight. Gotcha.
* Mundane ending.
It will never happen, but I wish all articles were as dry as a hobo obituary. Too much bullshit in journalism nowadays.