Feb 21, 2006 13:47
Penthouse: Abandoned building
SAVEPOINT. New York, New York. First of all remember not to kill anyone. This
means your L1 button will be your best friend for this part of the game.
Get into one of those entrances to the left and wait for the guard to return.
Now sneak up on him and put him to sleep after you interrogated him.
Turn left around the corner and switch on your night vision to see another
volunteer guarding an alley. Simply sneak towards him and make sure no-one is
in the alley to your left when you knock him out. But be fast and show no
hesitation otherwise he'll might get a chance to react.
Once he is out and hidden away climb the rain pipe in the alley he was
guarding. Shimmy to the right until you see a wire underneath you. Make sure
you are right above it and let go of the ledge. Sam should slide over to the
truck and land on its roof. Wait until the guard comes out of the building to
the right and then get his attention. He will come towards the truck. Sneak
forward and when he has almost reached the car rush towards him pressing L1.
Sam will do a really cool knock-out move and a roll.
Enter the building the guard came out of and use the door.
Once inside turn left into the corridor and immediately left again. There is a
guy repairing an elevator. Sneak up on him and take him hostage. Retreat
into the darkness while interrogating him, there could be another guard showing
up any second and you don't want to get caught, do you?
Since the volunteer didn't finish his repairs you'll have to use the long way
and climb up. Use the hole in the elevator roof to get on top of it and use the
Once the elevator stopped climb inside. Listen carefully and you will hear a
guard patrolling the area behind the doors. Wait until you are convinced he
must be further away before rushing out and rolling into the darkness in the
left corner.
I haven't tried this myself yet but sounds like a good tip to me - the
following has been e-mailed from Nataly:
- ... instead of only relying on your ears to hear the enemy leave away from
the elevator you can always use the thermo to see them leave. This really
helped me during co-op mode with my bud, I gave her the signal to open the
door.....hee hee.
Wait for the return of the guard and knock him out. If something should have
gone wrong, there is a medikit on the wall to the left. Leave the room through
the next door.
This part can be a bit tricky, but it's not too hard really. You could even
cross this area without knocking anyone out at all, but you would have to get
your timing right while climbing up to the neon sign otherwise you will be
spotted and shot at.
So here is another way: Turn left and proceed until you've reached a small gap
between to buildings where you can do a split jump. Now get the attention of
some guards and knock them out by dropping on top of them. If they are coming
together and you are fast enough you can take out two at once, simply hit the
second guy as hard as you can as soon as you dropped onto the first one.
If this caused the third guard to snoop around that's even better, wait for him
in the darkness and take him out. If he doesn't come for you alarm him in any
way or shoot him with a non-lethal projectile. Now climb the neon sign and jump
up to grab the wire.
Penthouse: Zherkezhi's Pad
SAVEPOINT. Ok, time to stop handling people with kid gloves. These boys are the
usual type of bad guys, so feel free to shoot who you consider necessary. Well,
almost free that is: make sure you get hold of this first guy in order to
interrogate him, otherwise you will be unable to complete all you objectives.
By the way, there is a crawl space at the other end of this balcony like area.
Try to memorize it for later.
Now use your OCP on the light bulb above the door and shoot it afterwards. Then
get inside. Sneak into the middle of the room and wait for a guard to come from
the right. Grab him and interrogate him before sending him to sleep. The guy
doing the repairs seems pretty tired too, so do him the same favour.
Now use the computer to the right in order to get the plans you where looking
It doesn't really matter whether you use the route through the elevator first
or use the crawl space, but let's say you used the elevator to begin with
the more difficult part.
Climb into the elevator and use the roof to get to the next level.
Listen to what Redding has to tell you and then switch on your night vision.
You will see a camera immediately to the right once you exit the elevator. It's
hard to see its beam with the night vision since it is a well lit area. Use
your OCP and rush underneath it in order to run a tap on it. Done with it DO
NOT REMAIN there, you will trigger an alarm if you do. Immediately head further
down the corridor and get behind some cover without opening the door ahead.
There is a guard in there, but he is going to fall a sleep any minute so your
main problem will be a camera on the wall to the right. If you shoot the guard
it will realize this, if you get caught on camera in any way, ..well you know.
Just tap it. It's possible to cross this room simply using your OCP on the
camera when ever necessary, but to be honest it is a lot easier to send the
guard to sleep first, especially since you will have to cross this room again
on your way back. Simply take cover behind the pillar so that the camera won't
see you and then whistle. If he comes for you make sure he cannot be seen by
the camera before you take him out.
On your way upstairs make sure you use your night vision to see the parts of
the stairs the beam of the camera can see. It's possible to use the OCP but
it's a lot easier to position Sam so that he can jump up and get hold of the
next level (turn his back to the camera). Climb up and enter the next door.
Leave your night vision switched on and you will see a camera to the left in
the room. Either use your EEV to hack the computer or make your way through the
room. If you stick like glued to the right side of the room you won't even need
your OCP.
Return to the door you came in through (but don't leave) and this time make
your way to the opening next to the camera. Turn left to find the computer you
were looking for. Use it to enable Grim to get access.
Return to the camera and tap it. Now go to the door you haven't used yet. Cross
the room and enter a narrow hallway. Listen to those two guys talking. One of
them seems to know something. So let's ask him.
When you look around you will realize that this is a clear split-jump situation
so make use of it. Shoot the lights and return to the wall near the door to
make a split-jump. One of the guys will check out the corridor so be fast and
whistle. Once he is underneath you surprise him. Now approach the door to the
greenhouse and open. Get his attention and retreat until you get the
opportunity to grab him. Do not enter the greenhouse! There is a camera above
the door. Interrogate him and give him sweet dreams. Now it is time to take
care of the camera. Get your timing right and enter. You will have to get away
from the door in order to close it. Now tap the camera and leave. If you have
been injured use the medikit first.
Return to the hall with the stairs. You can simply drop down at the farend to
land in a position the camera won't see. Now leave the room and use your OCP on
the camera in the corridor. Use the elevator to climb down again.
Remember the crawl space I mentioned earlier?
Go there. Simply head back to the balcony like thing and turn left. Get into
the crawl space and exit on the other side. Now turn right and climb up the
rain pipe. Careful now. There are two guards on the balcony. Wait until the
patrolling one is further away and knock out the lazy one. Now wait for the
return of his colleague. He won't realize his comrade has been knocked out so
don't move and wait next to him until you get a chance to grab him. Now shoot
the light ahead to make it easier for you to see the beam of the camera. Use
your OCP and tap the camera. Return to the crawl space, but don't get in. (You
could also use the door next to the camera to get back to the elevator but you
would have to use the crawl space again to get back.)
Tap the camera and you will be done with this part of the mission. Now shoot
the guard who is watching the stairs next to the camera. You might need to use
your thermal vision and the sniper mode in order to get a good shot. Now use
the OCP on the camera and rush up the stairs. Enter the corridor and proceed to
the next door.
Ok, don't let your nerves get to you now. What ever you do, don't shoot the old
man. He will help you for this next part of the mission. Use the computer in
the left corner of the room, then talk to him. You will have to talk to him a
couple of times before he will understand what you want. Be patient and follow
him around.
Don't worry about this next part you have as many attempts as you need. Once
you've figured out what to do it's actually easy. First talk to the old man to
get his assistance. Now switch on the main server and use your thermal vision
to see which of the servers starts to get yellow. Switch it ONCE. Don't bother
about the right side of the room just stay in your part. It's only three
servers you will have to switch in the right order. (With your back turned to
the main server its the one to the left then the second one on the right
side and then the first one on the right side.)If you fail simply start the
main server again and you can repeat the whole procedure.
Retrieve the punch cards and you are done here. Time to go home.
Return to the elevator to exfiltrate.