(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 17:15

For starters, here's Krulos and steed from Dino Riders

I went to New York a few weeks ago to visit some family friends.  I blasted through Ellis Island, the UN, Ground Zero, Midtown, Grand Central, the MOMA (gift shop), Public Library, SOHO, the upstate 'burbs, and Queens.  All in all it's a great city - someday I hope to have more time and scrilla to really soak it in.  While resting at Bryant Park for a while, I managed to sketch these people:

Can you tell that the ladies got up to leave before I could draw their legs?

In other news, Blast Off!

Derek, Hellen, and I helped out at the Asian Art Museum's Blast Off! event: kind of like a family arts-bonanza thing to accompany the museum's bitchin' Osamu Tezuka exhibit.  Hellen did a screen-printing demo while me and Derek hosted the walk-up mural pictured above.  Sooo many cute little kids elbowing for their spot on the paper!  I felt like a pusher-man trying to con the more reluctant tykes into drawing: "Do you like... markers?  Paints, paints, paints, you lookin' to scrawl on the wall?"  It felt really good to see the shysters walk up and really get enthused.  My heart swelled to three times its size that day.

The museum's also having SF cartoonists come over every weekend up 'til September to demonstrate their work.  Here's the schedule.  I'm slated to demo from July 26th to the 29th, which is why I can't make it to ComiCon:(

And I just discovered xkcd!  So rad!

Okay, see you later.
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