Dec 31, 2003 07:49
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! !
Well, the one thing you won't see in this post is a New Years resolution. I don't believe in them. I figure I've pretty much got to be making those kinds of agreements with myself all the time...nothing special about a new calendar year. There's other stuff afoot, however.
Shannon and I have been watching this mini-series that was on Sci-Fi called Taken. It started off a little slow but man, oh man has it ever picked up. Were only one episode from the end and I can't wait to see how it all comes out. I must admit that I don't know if I'd have had the patience for it if I was watching it once a week but on DVD it's perfect. I can whole heartedly reccomend it if you dig sci-fi or alien encounter type stuff. The bad guys are oh, so bad. So so so evil. *shiver* We've been liking the show so much that I've been up 'till 12:30am the last two nights watching it...Ugh...Not tired this morning, though. Oh, blessed caffeine how I love thee (even though I'll be back to giving you up as of Monday).
Today we're off to Santa Barbara to visit the inlaws. I'm so lucky. It's not everyone who can say they're actually EXCITED to see their inlaws. Shannon's folks rock and we always have a good time with them. Maybe we'll go see a movie. The fact that we're leaving today means only a half day at work. WOO HOO!!! I'm out of here at 11:00 (earlier if I can swing it).
Catch you all next year. Be safe out there tonight, folks, and take care of yourselves.