(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 09:08

after splash thursday night i spent the rest of the night in the hospital with hassan, who had apparently suffered alcohol poisoning. when i found him curled up in the gravel outside the bar vomiting, i thought he was just drunk. when i got him home and he started acting like he was having a seizure, i realized it was worse than that and for the first time in my life, i took the most responsible route i could think of and rushed him to the hospital. 9 hours later they finished doing blood tests and decided he's just drank too much and had developed alcohol poisoning.

it's just that more and more every day here i realize the kind of person i am and what i was running from so long. i've always been so terrified of actually being attached to something that i've tried to shun responsibilities. i had this bohemian image in my head of who i wanted to be and i lost sight of who i really am and what i should be doing. i shouldn't be dancing on a bar, because even tho i did have fun while it lasted, that's simply not me. i'm not becoming condescending towards people who dance, i'm just admitting it's not for me. it's funny that after only a week living in this new environment, i feel more like myself than i have at any other point in my life. i feel so much satisfaction in knowing that i am becoming reliable and responsible. i just needed a boost.

life is good, people are terrific, and life is wonderful

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