What's this?

Nov 13, 2008 15:08

I'm not really sure why I ever stopped writing things down when I couldn't find any other place to put them.  It was very good for me - kept the vitrol in check.  you see, when I stop running off at the pen, I start running off at the mouth, and that is rarely a thing of pleasant beauty.  I won't deny that letting fly from time to time with some of the contents of your inner monologue can be a thing outrageous artisty. Unfortunately in my case, more often than not, it unabashedly ugly.

And god don't like Ugly.

...and besides, Ugly doesn't get laid as much.

Montgomery is an ugly town - I'm excited when I think about leaving it.  it can't happen soon enough.  Until then, I need to run off at the pen.

and make something...I need to make something.  it's been too long. (and, no, a journal entry doesn't count)
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