It's official:

Oct 10, 2006 22:56

I now have 1/2" inch holes in my ears. We're headed for 5/8" in.

Tonight, I'm over 3000 pages into a series of books. My favorite characters keep dying. One a day. This is getting old. I didn't read this much to have everyone drop dead. Jeebus. I'm sure, given the remaining 400 pages, they could all die.

On the real life front: my car broke today. The heater core decided to give up the ghost. This is not neceassarily a costly repair: I could simply switch some hoses around a bypass the hearter core, preventing the need to replace it. one major drawback: no heat. Debateable. It's already an a/c free vehicle. *imagines a ford with no heater in january* tough call. money's short.

In spite of all this, I'm in a fucking great mood. Mind over matter, I suppose.

Happy Hump day!
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