Responsible me. . . .

Sep 02, 2010 00:59

Last night was the mark of the end of US engagement in the war in Iraq. I recently reread  my previous entry from the night before we declared war on this nation and, as i watch our first black president's speech about disengaging troops, i contemplated whether or not it was worthwhile for me, a dumb blogger to comment on such heady state affairs.  I felt like, since i once cared, i should care again. But then what with the crippling economy and state of things at home, why bother? Who am i to engage in such a conversation? My interest and adamant stance against the war faltered as the bushies took power and exerted their control. I had hoped, in some perverse way, that the war in Iraq would be a galvanizing issue for my generation, much the same way Vietnam had been for my parent's generation, (albeit not my parents themselves). Alas, we were too distracted by youtube, and shepherd ferry and shepherd smith to actually ever take a stand. So as much as i wanted to commemorate the end of the war, i felt it was an empty gesture (despite the feelings in my heart so many years later).

Tonight i went out drinking with an old college chum. A pal i try to only hang out with every 4-6 months, due to our incomprehensive binge drinking. I adore the fellow, but i find myself getting into unnecessary trouble when i'm in his company. Alas, it's been about 4 months, and i could use some friends. So a night on the town it was. We hopped our way through a couple of bars, ending at the new beer garden in town. We waxed philosophical and smoked horrible cigarettes and had a gay old time. Then some nice young ladies joined our smoking section picnic table. We engaged in conversation for a good couple of hours - they were younger, sisters, and phenomenal. I was enamoured. (Also, S, if you're still interested i found a lezzie who identifies as a straight girl and is, basically, exactly your type. She kind of wants your number!) After much chit chat, the conversation turned political and i was suddenly informed that my longtime friend was a fan of G.W. Bush. A shock too horrid to the system to describe, I excused myself to the men's room. When I returned, the conversation was still raging and my friend, inebriated and realizing he was the odd man out, insisted that we adjourn. As we parted, I made sure he crossed the underpass safely and made his way home without running into an oncoming semi. As i was about half way home, it donned on me, "shit, did we pay the check?"

A quick text later confirmed, that no, we had in fact dodged the billet. Torn, I turned to go back, but my drunken bladder full, i quickly discarded this plan for the toilet at home. After emptying my kidneys, I was fully aware of our faux pas. We ran up a large tab of 9 drinks and a plate of brat wurst.

Being the moral type, i contemplated bed, but the thought sickened me. I had no other choice but to return to the scene of the crime. I played out the scenario in my head, hoping they wouldn't call the police to arrest me. To my surprise, the bartenders were shocked that i returned. When i apologized profusely, and explained that i understood that it would be coming out of the barkeep's wages, they almost fell to the floor with praise and all offered me a free round of drinks. I politely declined, embarrassed that doing the right thing should gain so much attention and promptly settled the tab, for myself and my drunken friend, plus a 40% tip. One of the ladies from earlier in the evening was now sitting at the bar, and so taken by my morals, insisted i give her my phone number. I had transcended from some drunk at her table to a real go to guy pal.  The bartender, Mario, shook my hand, almost with tears in his eyes, and said anytime he sees me, he'll remember. I am visibly embarrassed and find my exit. I am also touched as i haven't been in a long time.

I return home to my cat and the quiet and think about the war and the last decade and the way it's colored my life. I won't write an entry about it, but I'm glad G.W. is gone and now relegated to a boring, and unpopular topic of conversation. And I'm glad that I can still remember to be a moral man, and do the right thing, even if it's as dumb as paying my tab. Who knows what will come of all this, but it's nice to know things change.

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