
Apr 21, 2005 19:26

hello everyone its been a while since i updated and its not like ne of you read mine any ways i have so many budies on here but yet noone respondes hmmmm oh well, things are goign fantastic with me and shannon i heart her so much. track is goign alrught we have a lot of negitivity goign aorund and we just dont act like a team, we need to shape up im injured but slowly comign back ive been working out hardcore with kenny o the last coupkle and plan to for the remainder of the season. this is my last year of track at fitzgerald high school im gonna miss it..............well i dint really have anyhtign drastic to say
oh yeah i get surgery on the 28th wish me a speedy recovery

i love you, christopher

i heart Shannon Ager she is my insepration
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