This project has me running ragged, but I love it. It's nice to work with a crew of fans. The first interview with Mike and myself is being edited next week... which is also when I leave to go back to Orange. I was on set for the last three days and it felt really good to be in charge of a production again. It's been too long. Giving zombie and vampire direction is fun to do, because the actors can be as hammy as they want and it will still look pretty good. I had an 85 year old man in a walker play a zombie, I would have felt bad for having him go through all that, but he had a really good time with it. He's apparently very active.
The Ene costume is being re-done. It's going to be made of a fake leather (a special kind of polyester) and is going to have a friggin better hat than a cowboy hat flattened out. The script has undergone it's fifty millionth draft and is just as funny as the first few drafts and it incorporates the suggestions of the company, so everyone's happy.