Mar 08, 2004 01:30
People have been talking a lot of shit on journal lately. I would just like to present my view of this phenomenon which may not interest anyone at all. But the beauty of it is this--I have a livejournal account and, thanks to the 1st amendment (i think its the first...the free speech one), I can say whatever I want and express myself in any way I choose (except on any mass media or in several certain areas specially designated by the United States government).
My opinion:
People are rude and they will say things they should not. Responding in kind succeeds in bringing the offended down to the level of the offender, and making most/all parties involved generally pissed off.
Being pissed off is bad because this will, after a slow and steady buildup and some time, lead to anger, which leads to all kinds of nasties. Furthermore, these various unpleasant nasties piss a lot more people off and we get....road rage...then riots...and later on.........Geraldo Rivera.....later still......American Idol.....and eventually viola! Janet Jackson's boob, heart disease, nuclear weapons, obesity, and genocide!
Okay, the process is slightly more complicated than that and Janet Jackson's boob is the least of anyone's worries, but basically, being angry and pissed off and irritated is not helping the cause for world peace, or improving the economy or taking American Idol off the air.
I don't really know how to say it without sounding fairly corny, but if you can figure out a way to be nice to people that piss you off, or at least ignore them, you will be at least a little happier, less likely to die young or to be the target of revenge, personal vendettas, voodoo, black magic, vicious mob reprisal, or DAN RATHER.
Take it easy kids.
And don't worry. Simon can't hurt you. He is an idiot. So is Justin. Boycott crappy music.