Open note to a local TeeVee station

Dec 22, 2009 10:34

Channel 5
Dateline: December 20, 2009 - 10:XX PM
"How beer will soon be available at a drugstore near you!"

Uhhh wait . . . huh? What the . . .? Walgreen's is going to sell beer? That's the big reveal? Beer has been available at Kroger, CVS, Sam's Club and Wal-Mart for years, all of whom either have, or are, pharmacies. And those are just the few of which I'm aware.

Does the news director at your network consider this newsworthy? The entire segment lasted less than ten seconds yet you ran this as a teaser at least twice during the preceding program. Maybe this is some type of vendetta against Walgreen's? Do you take your viewers for complete rubes or are you so lacking in real news events worth covering that you have to fabricate "news"? What's the point of your story if other than sensationalistic rabble-rousing?

I like the people who read your news segments but this was just silly. Please. If this weren't so pathetically transparent it would be insulting. This is fodder for a Saturday Night Live skit: "How drugs are being sold in beer stores in your neighborhood!"
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