Aug 04, 2008 20:42
1- I found out that I got ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder. My therapist suggest that we had some "organization and budget sessions" and that it will be a good idea to consider stimulant medication. Chemical Romance.
2- Bernard-the-dog is sick. Since day 1, he coughed a lot. Well, that don't go away. I need to go see the vet but I'm short on cash. Damn!
He also barked a lot when I'm not home. Not a word at night or when I'm here, even in his cage. Only when I'm not here. I got already complaints for neibhors and as always, Chriss make it a bit worse.
3- Gay411 stories. A really, really, really cute guy who like metal and wear long hair wave at me. He said to me that I seemed like "a real gay maN who like metal" and wanted to see if we can chat" I asked him if he had understood my profile, he says yes and was still interested. No news yet but I put it on the fact that I don't have access to internet to really... communicate, you know. But still, the only th
4- The french lover-for-the-summer of Erick that I've met last wednesday called me out of nowhere this afternoon. I need to meet him after work. The question is: what does he want? Probably in relation with Erick's birthday or something.
5- I'm in vacation starting next Saturday for two weeks :)