I'm First Mate Kage and you're on board the Elegante. We're goin' to the Golden Shore, so until we get there, your job is to chill out and enjoy yourself. We got plenty'a amenities on board, but if you need anythin' extra or got any questions, ask myself or any other crew member.
Part'a my job is lettin' new passengers know where they are.
Kicks, huh? We got a number of bars, restaurants--the bears are tame, don't hurt 'em--pools, gym, library, casino... all that good shit. If you're into somethin' a bit more--risky, head into Camp Carnival. Fair warnin', you go in there, we ain't comin' after you to save your ass.
There's enough. If you're lookin' for friendly company, I suggest makin' the acquaintance of one Janelle no Bryony. She's a perfect fuckin' ten and likes t'drink and gamble. Sounds like your kinda girlie.
Are you really the first mate or is this one'a those gimmicky cruises for like Disney or some shit?
Sure as shit am the actual, real First Mate. Right hand man to the Captain himself.
What's there to do for kicks here?
Kicks, huh? We got a number of bars, restaurants--the bears are tame, don't hurt 'em--pools, gym, library, casino... all that good shit. If you're into somethin' a bit more--risky, head into Camp Carnival. Fair warnin', you go in there, we ain't comin' after you to save your ass.
All the good shit.
How long before--oh shit wait, I'm not 'sposed to ask you that.
If that's the answer?
We got some real pain-lovers on board. Maybe you love bangin' your head against the wall?
...so hey, you...you greet everyone, right? You kinda sorta know all the passengers?
How many chicks on this boat?
Not wastin' any time, man? There's plenty enough.
And are there really? Cuz I already got maybe two guys on my case for being friendly.
Janelle, Janelle, Janelle...
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