summer reading.

May 25, 2007 19:56

so we begin this summer with Burroughs, bunch of short stories, one of my favorite probably being "The Lemon Kid" mainly for the passage:

"His first literary exercise was called The Autobiography of a Wolf. People laughed and said: "You mean the biography of a wolf." No he meant the auto biography of a wolf and here is the autobiographical wolf and his wolf mate Jerry the red-haired wolf in a cool limestone cave licking the sheep blood off each other they are covered with it from head to foot it's been a great night with the sheep and they laugh at those stupid ranchers and often carried poisoned meat for miles in their jaws and flip it into ranch yards to kill the yapping yellow-toothed wolfhounds. As the sun rises they huddle against each other and fall asleep with contented belches."

Burrough's just has a way with completely destroying all ideas of cohesiveness and narration, yet every page is chocked full of subversive allusions to why whitey sucks. awesome. I especially like this copy cause i stole it from my first alma mater's library, r-dubs.

I have a bunch of other books en route from by the words of such genius bros as jahshua and scotty the body including:

there's just something about those penguin publishing covers that slay me everytime, genius.  any other suggestions, i do most of my reading mid pond in an old wooden canoe.
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